The change I have seen in my children is phenomenal. They want to explore more about topics taught in school!

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Dual Diploma

Earn College Credits While Still in High School

It's never too early to start thinking about life after high school. And whether you're heading to college or straight into a career, high school is the time to explore your interests and discover the skills that will set up a successful future. Taking rigorous courses and skill-building electives at a post-secondary level can give high school students an advantage, whether or not they pursue further education. That's why 21K Schools + Stride powered schools offer opportunities for eligible students to earn college credits through dual-enrollment options. One can also attain a high school diploma in addition to the Indian Curriculum you are pursuing with our dual-diploma program.

Why should you consider dual enrollment?

Students who are considering going to the USA for further studies will find our program particularly helpful. Students enrolled in dual credit classes can:

  • Earn college credit and high school credit for the same coursework
  • Save time spent in a post-secondary degree program by completing credit hours in high school
  • Save money on a degree program in the states where reduced or school-funded tuition is offered*
  • Experience college-level coursework and greater academic rigor
  • Explore academic and career fields of interest in greater depth to discover their passion
  • Complete specialized courses that can provide an early path to a career
How does a dual credit program work?

Through partnerships with American colleges and universities, many 21K Schools +Stride are able to offer dual credit programs that enable students to be enrolled in their high school and a college program at the same time. Students must meet any requirements specified by their school and partner institution in order to be eligible for dual enrollment. Qualified students may enroll in select dual credit classes at participating institutions while maintaining their high school status. Dual enrolled students can then apply their earned credits to fulfil both high school graduation requirements and post-secondary degree requirements, getting a jump-start on earning a degree while earning their diploma.

Families may also be able to reduce the financial burden of a post-secondary degree in the states where dual enrollment is offered with reduced or waived tuition fees.*