Why we started India’s first online school?

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  • 2021-03-18
  • 3 min read
India's first online school

21K School founders come from varied backgrounds – one is a graduate from Indian Institute of Technology, others have studied in top universities abroad and hold several patents to their names, one has experience of setting up and managing over 75 schools across the country.

Each of their unique lives and experiences has made them aware of the chronic problem that not only Indian but the education system across the world face. The dearth of quality teachers and schools beyond the confines of a few big cities.

The inherent need to solve this issue brought them together and 21K School was born – India’s first online-only school that offers Indian, American, and IGCSE Curriculum.

As they were building on the idea and laying the groundwork for India’s first online school the pandemic struck. All of a sudden, the world found itself on this rollercoaster ride which changed everyone’s life – work from home, family time, and children with lots of free time.

Schools across the world scrambled to build ad-hoc systems to teach online – teachers struggled with virtual classes, new issues kept cropping up that traditional schools could not have perceived in the short time they had to prepare.

The overall online experience was surely not up to the mark many parents complained and thought online schooling is just a sham and education being provided virtually was not beneficial – we personally thought the schools have done an okay job considering we had spent over a year building our learning platform and setting up systems to monitor homework, classes, data-driven reports and so on – other schools had done that in a few weeks, well, to be honest not all that.

We launched right after the lockdown with an overwhelming response – over 500 parents trusted us with their children’s future within the first two months.

Since then, we have partnered with Stride, Inc. USA– a (previously known as K12 Inc) from which over ten lac students have graduated.

These partnerships gave us access to some incredible faculty from around the world and data of lacs of students which helps us tweak our curriculums for the best results.

Online schooling is surely not for everyone – it requires time involvement of parents and also infrastructure at home to support learning. So, if one has access to quality education in a traditional school in their neighborhood that suits their timings and budget, we recommend the parents to opt for that.

However, many do not have that luxury. Most of our parents either come from towns that do not have good international or even CBSE Schools or parents from cities who have a great school in their vicinity but the tuition fee is in the high six figures!

We also have parents of children who require special care – either because they are advanced learners/require more time with their curriculum or they are pursuing their passion full time and want to self-pace their education.

The reasons vary from parent-to-parent but when we did a poll last quarter, we found that 96% of our parents found that 21K School had benefitted their child academically.

A typical 21K School class has students from across the world – from Japan to Raipur! Two of our founder’s children also are students here at 21K School.

Exceptional schools exist but they are only for the elite few residing in the Mumbai’s and Delhi’s of the world.

We want to get that quality of education to every city and town of the country. We want to bring world-class education to your world. And that is why we started India’s first online school.

Connect with our Founders

Santosh KumarJoshi KumarDinesh KumarYeswanth Raj Parasmal

Want to learn more about 21K School and talk to our experts? Fill the form and request a call back. Let’s explore if online schooling is right for your child .  

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Online education in India has become increasingly popular due to several factors, including the need for flexibility and convenience, the availability of technology and internet access, and the ability to reach a wider audience. Additionally, online education can be more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning.

Online schooling offers several advantages over traditional classroom learning. It provides greater flexibility and convenience, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Online schooling can also be more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning, as it eliminates the need for physical infrastructure and reduces transportation costs.

Online schooling offers several advantages over traditional classroom learning. It provides greater flexibility and convenience, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Online schooling can also be more cost-effective than traditional classroom learning, as it eliminates the need for physical infrastructure and reduces transportation costs.

The first online school was established in 1994 by the Electronic High School (EHS) in Utah, United States. Since then, online education has grown rapidly worldwide, with many institutions offering fully online degree programs or hybrid models that combine online and in-person instruction.

Online education in India began to gain popularity in the early 2000s with the growth of e-learning platforms such as Educomp Solutions and NIIT. The government has also supported initiatives to promote digital literacy and increase access to online education through programs such as SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds), which offers free courses from top Indian universities.

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