Importance of Teaching Leadership in Early Grades

  • admin
  • 2022-12-14
  • 3 min read
Importance of Teaching Leadership in Early Grades

Teaching your children leadership skills at an early age is essential. It gives them the tools to have control over their destiny. Leadership allows them to think for themselves and develop a strong character. In addition, they can set goals and help others move forward. As a teacher, you can become a role model for leadership for the students, and as a parent, you can help your child find a good mentor. Skill-based education is very important  to succeed in the future.

Inculcating Leadership Qualities in Children

Some responsible leadership qualities include taking accountability for oneself, cultivating relationships with others, and the ability to delegate tasks. From an early grade, teaching leadership qualities such as taking responsibility can be achieved by letting children finish assignments independently. You can direct them to complete their projects, or finishing homework alone can be the first step toward making them think of their responsibilities.

Similarly, your focus on practising communication with students at a young age can allow them to understand communication with other peers. Practising common courtesy and conversing on small topics can help them take charge of interactions. At an early stage, you can use these as small confidence block builders to help your children develop their character. If you’re a teacher, you can implement the same strategies in the classroom amongst students. You can ask timid and confident students to come up and speak in front of others to help teach leadership qualities.

In addition, you can also help students learn how to delegate at an early age by showing them how to break up an enormous task. At home, as a parent, you can ask your child which big projects they have and how you can help them. It would be best if you asked in which ways you can help and suggested examples like researching, writing, or structuring. This can help them realize that they can delegate some work to you. Similarly, a teacher can create small peer groups for large and small projects in the classroom. Students that show responsible leadership qualities can be tasked with helping the group progress. These are some strategies that can be implemented to assist students in early grades in developing leadership abilities.

Here’s a snippet of 21K School Skill Classes on How to Be A Leader – Click Here.

Role of Teachers and Parents in teaching leadership skills

The ability to honestly serve others is essential in teaching leadership qualities to children. Teachers and home-schooling parents can sit with their young learners and help them understand empathy. It is essential to ask them questions about what others feel when helping their peers. By making them think, you can help them grow and reflect on the actions that can help them become more service-oriented towards other peer members. In addition, creating honesty can also be simplified by observing the actions and asking them what they did. Through their answers, you can gauge their honesty and give them feedback on how they responded.


A combination of building good relationships, communication, thinking of others, and all other abilities allow the student to develop. You want your child to be future-proof, and student-conscious schools like 21K School  are helping growing students become ready for the future with skills in demand. They understand how teaching leadership qualities can only be developed in students through interactive lectures where they are provided direct support. Today’s leaders must be digitally inclined and have a solid grasp of data science, blockchain, and cyber security subjects.

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