Raising environmentally aware young people

  • admin
  • 2022-11-02
  • 4 min read
Raising environmentally aware young people

As a parent, you want to raise your children sustainably and healthily that is suitable for the environment. The best way is by teaching them about the importance of being environmentally conscious. By expanding ecological awareness among young people, you can help create a future where everyone is aware of their impact on the planet and takes steps to protect it. It’s not enough to say you care about the environment if you cannot back it up. Schools and society need to teach young people ethical and environmental responsibilities.

Why is it important to raise environmentally aware young people?

With an industrialized society and a growing population with limited resources, people must make informed decisions about the best use of the planet’s resources. Climate change threatens human health, food security, economic growth, and social stability. It is an urgent problem individuals must address before it is too late.

What is Environmental Consciousness, and Why is it Important?

Environmental consciousness is the awareness of the need to protect the environment. It includes a knowledge of the issues surrounding us and a desire to take action to protect them. Collective action by environmentally conscious individuals can significantly impact the environment. For example, they are more likely to recycle, reduce their energy consumption, and take other actions to protect the environment.

Impart Eco-Education

Eco-education is the process of imparting knowledge about environmental protection and conservation to young people. It helps create a sustainable future and empowers children and young adults to make informed choices about how they impact the environment.

Tips to help you raise environmentally aware and eco-friendly young people

Model eco-friendly behavior yourself and lead by example. Here are some tips that you might follow: –

Ethical Consumerism to make informed choices:

It is a growing movement in which consumers seek out products and services that have been produced ethically and sustainably. This can include fair trade products, cruelty-free made with recycled materials, and more.

Adopt the following 5 R’s to save the environment for your future:

  • Reduce: The waste can be reduced by using less packaging or buying products with less packaging. In addition, reduce the amount of energy you use by choosing energy-efficient products.
  • Reuse: You can donate items that can be reused by someone else. Items can be reused for multiple other purposes with slight modifications, like empty jars or bottles can be reused to store or hold objects.
  • Recycle: Start a recycling program at your child’s school and home by installing a recycling bin. Teach them how to recycle different materials. Recycle items by breaking them down and using the materials to make new products. Donating them to an organization for recycling is also an option.
  • Rot: You can compost food waste. This process breaks down the organic materials into nutrient-rich soil, which in turn helps plants to grow healthier. Composting reduces the number of methane emissions from landfills and helps to fertilize the soil.
  • Refuse: Refuse to buy items like single-use plastics, disposable items, and unsustainable products.

Engage in Eco-friendly activities:

Activities  like gardening, planting, walking, hiking, and biking are eco-friendly. Plant a tree to celebrate small or big moments in your life. Trees provide shade, oxygen, and benefits like holding the soil together.

Protection and preservation of natural resources:

It includes the usage of water responsibly and avoiding wastage. Do not engage in activities to spoil or pollute the environment, natural sources of water, and natural sites (like hills, streams, rivers, oceans, etc.).

Do not pollute or destroy flora and fauna. Instead, help kids feed the local birds by having feeders and water sources for little birds at your home.

Reduce energy consumption and conserve energy:

This can be done by making simple changes such as turning off lights when you leave a room or using energy-efficient appliances. Energy can also be saved by using natural lighting whenever possible.

Adopt Sustainability Principles in your lifestyle:

This means making decisions in our everyday lives that reduce the environmental impact.


As parents, you want to do everything you can to give your children the best possible life. This includes instilling in them a respect for the environment. With the state of the planet today, it’s more important than ever to raise young people who are environmentally aware  and responsible. Schools can also play a role by incorporating environmental education into the curriculum , and finally, communities can come together to support local initiatives that promote sustainability.


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Young people can be made more aware of environmental issues by providing them with opportunities to learn about and engage with the environment. This can include outdoor education programs, environmental clubs, community service projects, and educational resources like books, videos, and websites.

Young people should be aware of environmental issues because they will inherit the consequences of past and present environmental decisions. Being environmentally aware allows them to make informed decisions and take action to protect the planet for themselves and future generations.

Research suggests that many young people are environmentally aware and concerned about the environment. However, there is still a need for increased education and engagement to promote environmental sustainability.

Examples of environmentally aware behaviours include recycling, reducing energy consumption, using public transportation or walking instead of driving, supporting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, and using reusable products instead of single-use plastics.

Youth should protect the environment because it is essential to their future well-being and that of the planet. They can protect the environment by reducing waste, conserving energy and water, supporting sustainable practices, and advocating for environmental policies and regulations.

You can educate youth about the environment by providing them with age-appropriate information, engaging them in hands-on activities and projects, and modeling environmentally responsible behaviors. You can also involve them in community service projects and encourage them to explore and appreciate the natural world.

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