Online Schooling: Impacts & Cyber Hygiene

  • admin
  • 2022-11-05
  • 4 min read

While internet schooling is the most secure method of instruction in this pandemic, it also comes with several significant drawbacks. Suicides related to the lack of mobile devices for online learning are simply the depressing tip of a growing iceberg that has the potential to harm children more during the pandemic. Children are suffering from the physical and mental effects of online schooling , as well as a social skills deficiency. Kids will run the risk of suffering from damage on the physical, mental, and social levels if appropriate action is not taken on time..

What is cyber hygiene? How it is related to online learning?

Cyber hygiene is the practice of proactively thinking about your online security in the same way that you would think about your everyday personal hygiene in order to fend off attacks from the internet and other online security concerns. Sadly, the importance of cyber security is still not fully appreciated. Due to the ongoing evolution of cyber threats, some people may start taking cyber security for granted. For the time being, developing sound cyber hygiene habits ought to come naturally to everyone.

How to maintain cyber hygiene?

Install trustworthy malware programmes and antivirus.

Installing antivirus software should be the most crucial step. Since systems access various websites and resources for online learning, there are chances that they are impacted by malware. It is essential to practice cyber hygiene to defend against security risks such as data breaches and leaks.

The antivirus programmes will assist in the elimination of computer viruses and other malicious software, or malware. They do so by identifying certain files for malicious software detection, carrying and scheduling out automative scans, and eradicating the malicious software and codes.

Regular software updates

A crucial component of attaining excellent cyber hygiene is updating software regularly. To reduce the likelihood of bugs or malware attacks, instructors should maintain the operating systems, online browsers, and keep the apps updated. They must also encourage the students to do the same.

They also make sure they have access to the most recent defences. These routine software updates find software holes that could allow viruses or hackers an entry to the systems. In addition to this, users will be able to use the updated versions of the programmes.

Employ network firewalls

Utilising network firewalls is another essential practice for adequate cyber hygiene while home online schooling. They serve as the first layer of protection for network security as they prevent unauthorised access to websites, mail servers, and other online information sources.

Pick the appropriate tool

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many websites and e-learning technologies have emerged. Some of them provide free trials or fully functional versions which may lure educators seeking to improve the effectiveness and engagement of their online courses.

However, without the proper goods and equipment, the private data you believe to be secured may be in danger. Therefore, educators should exercise caution when selecting any learning material and ensure that data privacy and security concerns have been taken into account.

Choose a strong password

For every device being used, strong passwords must be set. Passwords ought to be complicated, one-of-a-kind, and comprise at least 8-12 characters, as well as numerals, symbols, lowercase letters and capital letters. In order to deter hackers from figuring out their passwords, users should also change their passwords frequently and never share or reuse the same ones.

Alsoo lower risks and lessen the effects of password theft, they should also implement multifactor authentication techniques. The National Institute of Standards and Technology advises that users should also check passwords to make sure that they haven’t been connected to a previous hack or security incident.

Inform the pupils, instructors, and school personnel

For many educators and students, the switch from traditional paper-pen learning to interactive schooling was difficult. Therefore, it’s crucial to teach kids and teachers the fundamentals of online safety and to keep them informed.

One of the most notable examples is an experiment carried out by the Clinton Public School District in Mississippi. As part of an experiment, the school sent bogus phishing emails to the teachers. Of the 572 emails sent, 474 were opened, and 272 recipients clicked a survey link.

What are the benefits of cyber hygiene? Why is it important?

The benefits of cyber hygiene are self-evident.

By adopting the habit of practising good cyber hygiene, a business can reduce the risk of operational disruptions, data compromise, and data loss. The entire effectiveness of a company’s cybersecurity programme determines how well-prepared it is to counter both current and future threats. This is referred to as an organisation’s security posture. To achieve the best cybersecurity, practise good cyber hygiene.

To protect the students, the cyber security of online schooling platforms should be closely monitored and periodically updated. A control mechanism should be in place to keep an eye on the storage, sharing, and content of the data.

In the dangerous cyber world, there is now very little protection and supervision over online educational activities, which leaves room for malicious ploys. Schools, educators, and parents should emphasise the importance of online safety and counsel kids not to click on links or pop-up windows, as well as not to reply to unauthorised emails or friend requests.


Since the introduction of online education, our kids’ emotional health has also been in jeopardy. A considerable degree of smartphone addiction affects almost every child. Friends have been replaced by gadgets, and digital friends have taken the place of actual friends.

These are encouraging a lot of kids to become victims of blackmail, pornography, etc. Even while we can’t completely do away with online learning, we can nonetheless ensure that kids spend less time on technology by encouraging them to play outside, pursue hobbies, etc. Their consciousness and mental health will improve, and they will avoid digital overload, through spiritual indoctrination, yoga, and participation in social and philanthropic activities within the bounds.

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Cyber safety is important in online schools because it ensures the security of students and teachers and protects their personal data from malicious actors. It’s also essential for preventing cyberbullying, phishing attacks, hacking attempts, and other forms of cybercrime.

Online schools can improve their cyber security by regularly updating software and hardware, instituting strong password policies, conducting regular risk assessments and penetration testing, implementing two-factor authentication when possible, maintaining backups of data securely stored offsite or in the cloud, educating staff on best practices for handling sensitive data, isolating sensitive systems from public networks, and engaging external professionals to review security measures periodically.

Issues of cyber hygiene include bad passwords (using the same password across multiple accounts or making them too easy to guess), clicking malicious links, failing to update software regularly, using unsecured networks, and downloading untrustworthy files. 

Having a good cyber hygiene routine can help protect users from many of the threats posed by malicious actors on the Internet. It also makes it more difficult for attackers to access sensitive data and systems.

Schools can prevent cyber attacks by implementing strong security policies and procedures that mandate regular updates and secure passwords, as well as conducting regular risk assessments, engaging external professionals to review their security practices periodically, isolating sensitive systems from public networks, and educating staff on best practices for handling sensitive data. 

Good rules of cyber hygiene include j changing passwords regularly, using two-factor authentication when possible, backing up data securely offsite or in the cloud, not clicking on suspicious links or downloading untrustworthy files, and avoiding public networks. Additionally, users should update all software regularly and keep an eye out for phishing attempts.

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