Four Inspiring Women: The Power Of These Girls In STEM

  • admin
  • 2023-10-20
  • 4 min read

Science, technology, engineering, and math, are also known as STEM. These are the fields that will drive the next industrial revolution, and they are the fields that are currently underrepresented in the world. But not anymore. This article will list four inspiring women who prove that girls can do anything, including leading the way in STEM.

The world needs more female engineers, scientists, and innovators. Surprisingly,  The excellent news is that more young women are entering STEM fields. But there are too few women in leadership roles. Here’s a look at four inspiring women who are making a difference in STEM.

Four inspiring women in the STEM industry

The world is changing, and the people who are changing it are the women working in STEM fields. They are talented scientists, researchers, engineers, and mathematicians tackling the world’s biggest problems. Here are four inspiring women who are changing the world:

1.Kimberly Bryant

If you are a woman afraid of discrimination in the STEM field, the story of Kimberly Bryant will be helpful for you. The non-profit organisation Black Girls CODE was founded by Kimberly Bryant, who also serves as its CEO. There weren’t many other Black women in Kimberly Bryant’s classes at Vanderbilt University when she started studying computer programming as a fresher. She was upset that her daughter was going through the same cultural isolation while participating in a tech summer program at Stanford after graduating and working for decades in the biotech industry.

Bryant started Black Girls Code in 2011 to correct the imbalance by reaching young girls of color who decide what they want to be when they grow up and inspiring them to pursue careers in coding and technology. Bryant said ‘’While a lot has changed since I was in college, there are still few African-American women working in science, technology, engineering, and math. This lack of representation cannot be attributed to, for example, a lack of interest in these fields’’.

2.Cassidy Williams

Cassidy Williams is also an inspiring woman who has achieved much success in STEM. She was just thirteen years old when she learned to code. She was inspired by a man who was talking on his phone and telling that how my website is. Cassidy Williams is currently in charge of Remote developer training and experience. Previously, she worked for companies like Amazon, L4 Digital, Clarifai, Venmo, Netlify, React Training, CodePen, etc.

She enjoys playing music, constructing mechanical keyboards, building LEGO sets, and instructing and assisting others in becoming better programmers. She excelled at self-learning website programming after being the only girl playing with LEGOs in kindergarten.

She also faced issues and problems in her career as a woman. In an interview, she said ‘’ Finding others who are similar to you can be difficult because of harassment, microaggressions, and a lack of representation’.’ she further said ‘’I do believe that the industry is gradually improving, and that amazing women, non-binary people, and allies are working to change things in tech.’’

3.Reshma Saujani

Reshma Saujani is also an inspiring woman who can inspire you to become a programmer. Reshma Saujani founded and currently serves as the executive director of Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization with a global mission to eliminate the gender pay gap in technology and alter public perceptions of what a computer programmer is like and does.

Reshma began her professional life as an activist and lawyer. She entered politics in 2010, becoming the first Indian American woman to run for Congress. She has also worked as New York City’s deputy public advocate and ran for public advocate in 2013 on a platform of equal opportunity. Reshma founded Girls Who Code after visiting nearby schools and observing the gender differences in computer science courses firsthand. She is inspiring thousands of girls worldwide and inspires us through the journey she had to take.

4.Gladys West

If you think that women cannot achieve any success in the STEM field, Gladys West can inspire you. She is the lady who invented GPS and greatly facilitated our lives. West developed algorithms that assisted in creating an incredibly accurate model of the Earth as part of the early development of GPS technology.  One can also achieve big in their life by entering the STEM field.


Women have made a significant pace in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. But it’s important to remember that there’s still a long way to go. This article has told you about four inspirational women in the STEM field.  By learning about these women, people will be inspired to follow their dreams and passions.


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