Book Synopsis: The whole brain child

  • admin
  • 2023-03-21
  • 2 min read

“The Whole-Brain Child” is a book that provides parents with strategies for helping their children develop healthy brains and navigate childhood challenges. Some of the strategies outlined in the book include:

1. Using Whole-Brain Approaches:

The book emphasises the importance of using whole-brain approaches, which involve both the logical and emotional sides of the brain, to help children learn and grow. This can include using stories, games, and other activities that engage both the right and left brain.

2. Helping Children Manage Emotions:

The book provides strategies for helping children manage and understand their emotions. This can include using “feeling words” to help children label their emotions and teaching them deep-breathing and other relaxation techniques to manage stress and difficult emotions.

Also, read about 5 Best Practices of Showing Empathy Towards Students on our blog. 

3. Resolving Conflicts:

The book provides strategies for helping children resolve conflicts and resolve misunderstandings with others. It emphasises the development of problem-solving skills and compromises to find mutually satisfactory solutions.

4. Building a Strong Emotional Foundation:

The book discusses the importance of building a solid emotional foundation for children and provides strategies for helping children develop a sense of self-worth, confidence, and self-control.

5. Fostering Resilience and Grit:

The book provides tips for helping children develop resilience and grit, encouraging them to take on challenges and helping them learn from their mistakes.

Overall, “The Whole-Brain Child” is a practical and research-based guide that provides parents with strategies for helping their children develop healthy brains and navigate childhood challenges. It emphasises the importance of building a solid emotional foundation and using whole-brain approaches to help children learn and grow.

Also, read: 7 tips for parents to help their kids become successful in school .

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