Should We Take a Second Look at How We Teach These Days?

  • admin
  • 2023-06-07
  • 6 min read

Wikipedia to a new invention

Young people nowadays enjoy complimentary access to the high-speed electronic environment that has come to be known as “The Internet.” When students want to expand their existing knowledge, they commonly visit Wikipedia. The reliability of the textual information we may find online is a real worry. Do we have permission to use this material, debate it, break the taboo, and use it to create a new scientific evolution?

A sad fact that is immensely bothersome!

Even the brightest and most devoted individuals can become involved in their limited perspectives and thought processes. This is evidenced by many of our researchers that ambitious young students write down their most original theories and ideas during their free time. Only to hide them in the farthest corners of their offices because they are deemed to be “far-fetched,” “Pseudo-science,” or “hypothetical nonsense.”  The majority of ordinary people have forgotten that several fantastic and revolutionary ideas were born through such thinking, which seems to be “far-fetched,” “Pseudo-science,” or “hypothetical nonsense” to them in their contemporary world.

Application of Fresh Ideas

Our history is full of incredible technological innovations! For young people , researching several historical inventions, such as the inventions made by the Greco-Egyptian scientists and engineers of Alexandria, or the robotic systems of DaVinci, Newton’s Orbital Cannon, Graham Bell, and many more, would be a fascinating task. Such tasks will help them to cultivate fresh and innovative ideas in their minds. Moreover, building these antique machines and then improving and modernizing them would be creative and entertaining. Applying such new ideas may prove highly beneficial and innovative for industries like the space industry or the medical field. 

Truthfully, narrowness is pervasive!

The paradox is that while we can see someone else’s narrow-mindedness, it is also the same quality that keeps us mired in our limited vision, negatively affecting our personal and professional lives. We must quickly pick from those things we should focus on, what we should be concerned about, and what we should ignore. As strange as it may sound, the quick and efficient processing we conduct in our brains is incredibly beneficial since it enables us to save most of that energy for the essential tasks we must complete during the day and beyond.

How traditional thinking prevents the development of innovations that could safeguard our lives

Robin Warren and Barry Marshall, two researchers from a research station in Western Australia, believed they had discovered evidence that bacteria caused ulcers. Still, everyone knew—including the scientific dogma—that spicy foods and excess stomach acid were to blame. So these guys approached a bureaucratic wall in their attempt to have their science funded. When Barry becomes a little desperate, he chooses to consume this bacteria on a plate. He suffered from severe gastritis during the following few weeks, but after taking a typical round of antibiotics, he fully recovered. They then published the findings in a recognized journal, and the outcome was that the market went crazy! Reader’s Digest and the National Enquirer were the only publications to continue publishing Barry’s findings when they were published in a recognized journal. Short version: These bio revolutionaries received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005. Because of common wisdom, we are forced to ponder what other breakthroughs are still being held captive in laboratories. 

Make your video games

The Raspberry Pi meets all the needs of our young gamers. The Raspberry Pi gamifies the learning system in the same way that robotics or coding always does. They can create and develop their computer games. Users can use a simple drag-and-drop option to make the process simple. Similar to the Blockly editor seen in the online learning program CoderZ.


New scientific ideas can arise, and innovative inventions can emerge from reading web articles, reflecting on the information, and debating it with classmates. Consider the possibility that MIT would not have allowed its students to develop their creative thinking and that NASA would not have employed these individuals. 

Would the Perseverance Mars Rover have carried the Mars helicopter or touched the Martian surface? Be crazily curious, challenge the existing quo, and be fixated on variety and dissent since that’s where creativity and our greatness begin!


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The need to reevaluate teaching methods in modern times arises from the changing landscape of education and the evolving needs of students. Traditional teaching approaches may not effectively engage or prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century. As technology advances and the job market evolves, educators must adapt to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and digital literacy.

Several factors drive discussions about rethinking teaching methods. These include advances in technology, the demand for digital skills, the shift towards remote and online learning, and the recognition that personalized and active learning can better cater to individual student needs.

Technology has transformed traditional teaching practices. With the internet and digital tools, students have access to vast resources, and educators can implement interactive and multimedia-rich lessons. However, it also poses challenges, such as the need for digital literacy and adapting to virtual classrooms.

Traditional teaching methods may struggle to engage students, especially in an era of shorter attention spans and information overload. Finding ways to make lessons interactive, relevant, and participatory is crucial for maintaining student interest.

Innovative teaching approaches gaining attention include flipped classrooms, project-based learning, gamification, and integrating technology into lessons. These methods focus on active engagement and hands-on learning, making education more dynamic.

Personalized learning is a key concept in modern teaching. It tailors instruction to individual student needs, pacing, and interests, using technology to adapt content. This approach recognizes that students have diverse learning styles and strengths.

Effective teaching strategies must be adaptable to accommodate diverse learners. Flexibility in content delivery, assessment methods, and classroom environments allows educators to reach students with varying needs and abilities.

Reevaluating teaching methods aims to bridge the gap between traditional and modern learning styles. It incorporates the best of both worlds, preserving valuable aspects of traditional education while integrating contemporary tools and pedagogical approaches.

Students’ preferences and learning styles have shifted towards interactive, technology-enhanced learning experiences. To maintain their engagement and enthusiasm for learning, teaching methods must align with these preferences.

Embracing more dynamic teaching approaches can lead to increased student motivation, better retention of knowledge, improved critical thinking skills, and better preparation for future careers. It also empowers educators to meet the diverse needs of their students more effectively.

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