The Importance of Homework in Students Life

  • admin
  • 2022-09-19
  • 9 min read
Importance of Homework

A very familiar word in every student’s life is “Homework”. These are the assignments given to them by the teachers to do at home after school. Why is this even important, have you ever thought about it?

Let’s delve deep into this blog to understand how crucial homework is in students’ lives. We are also going to explore the importance of homework and some exciting ways to make it fun and feasible. 

From developing good academic skills to inculcating responsibility and time management, homework significantly helps in shaping students’ education path. Now let’s focus and uncover how significant it is and its  potential impact on students’ life.

Students dread the word “homework” because they don’t need any more school work during their valuable weekends after spending hours in class.

Even though it’s well recognized that homework is a requirement of traditional education , the subject has grown to be somewhat contentious. 

While some people believe that homework is an essential part of education, others believe the time could be better spent elsewhere. Do pupils need to do homework? Take a closer look at both sides’ arguments about the Importance of homework to make your own decision.

What is Homework?

It can be understood as work assigned to the students by their teachers to be completed in the time apart from their regular classes.

It can be given in different forms, for instance assignments, project works, reading articles or activities that support what they have already learnt in class. It brushes up their knowledge and they also get an opportunity to translate their understanding to application.

The complexity and duration of homework may vary depending on the grade level and subjects. The ultimate aim of giving homeworks is to boost up the understanding, improve skills and support independent learning.

How Does Homework Help Students Learn?

As we discussed, homework is very impactful in a student’s learning. It’s not about finishing the task; but revisiting the concepts that are already learnt in class. Here are different ways in which homework is helpful to the students:

Practice Makes Perfect: 

Whether it is about solving maths problems, improving writing skills or learning languages, continuous practice with the help of homework builds the concepts and also helps in revision of what is already learnt.

Review and Reinforcement: 

Homework helps in revision of the concepts that are already taught in class. Regularly revising the topics helps students to gain a grasp on concepts and retain it for a longer time.

Independent Learning: 

Students develop a sense of responsibility for their own learning by completing their homeworks. It develops very essential skills such as independence and self-discipline which will not only help to excel their academics but life too.

Preparation for Assessments: 

As we discussed, by completing homeworks students not only strengthen their concepts but also get them prepared for upcoming tests, quizzes, and exams.By practising related problems they become more confident and give their best in assessments.

Extension of Learning: 

Homework is also helpful in increasing the horizon of knowledge for students. It may include research, projects or some skill-based education activities which enables them to think beyond the classroom learning a particular topic deeply and develop critical thinking and analytical skills.

Feedback and Assessment: 

Valuable feedback always helps in the betterment of students. Teachers are able to understand students’ understanding about the topic by assessing their homeworks. They accordingly help the students struggling in a particular area.

Importance of Homework

In today’s academic world homework plays a significant role in shaping the academic journey of students. Let’s explore the different aspects of importance of homework:

1. Improve thinking and Extend learning skills 

Students develop various life skills for instance critical thinking, problem-solving and analytical skills by thinking beyond their curriculum. Homework’s helps them to translate the theoretical knowledge to practical applications.

2. Learn to use resources

Sometimes for the completion of assignments students are encouraged to utilise various online resources , different textbooks and libraries to gather critical informations.This becomes an expert at gathering information thereby improving their research abilities.

3. Helps develop good study habits

Regular homeworks seeds the sense of responsibility and discipline in students. It helps them develop a study routine, by which they learn to manage their time efficiently and stay organised. This leads to great success in their academics and life.

4. Prepare for the Following Day’s Class

It is always better to read and make ourselves familiar with the topic which is going to be discussed in class. Through homeworks students are allowed to do that. They are well aware of the topic to be discussed which enables them to actively participate in class, ask accordant questions and even learn the topic better.

5. Investigate Subjects and Develop research skills

Assignments frequently pushes students to learn more about a certain topic, which increases their curiosity and desire for learning, for instance, research -based works make them learn how to gather, analyse and evaluate information, in turn improving their research skills.

6. Increases concentration

Being involved in homework requires maintained focus and concentration. The independent study periods helps in practicing concentration which improves their potential to work efficiently for extended period of time, which is crucial for both academic and daily life.

7. Develops Memory

Interaction is the important part of homework assignments. By revising and practising concepts students boost up their concepts, memory recall and also retain the information for a longer period of time.

8. Time management

Homeworks often comes with a deadline. Students learn how to wisely utilize their time to complete the task within the provided deadline.

This helps in developing essential time management skills by prioritising assignments, assigning certain time to particular work and sticking by the schedule. This is something they develop which is applicable throughout their life.

9. Students become independent

Homeworks are to be done beyond the classroom timings and without the help of teachers. This teaches students to own their work, perform independently, be confident as they deal with these academic problems and hopefully prevail over it with minimum guidance.

10. Homework improves student achievement

As we discussed, homework is a preview of preparation for assessments. It helps students in revision, and retention of the concepts being taught in class. It is often observed that ones who are regularly completing their homeworks are more likely to have good academic performance and grades overall.

How to Make Homework Comfortable for Kids? 

Although homeworks have immense benefits, it can be an arduous tasks for kids, but we can make it fun and intriguing for them. Following are the easy ways to tackle homework :

Create a Dedicated Workspace: 

Good ambience do affect working efficiency. The place designed for kids to study must be away from distractions like TV, loud noises,or toys. It should have proper lighting, quiet and comfortable area to work in.

Provide Necessary Supplies:

All the requirements for completion of homework like eraser, pencil, colors, notebooks etc must be checked prior such that there will be less interruptions during study time.

Establish a Routine: 

There must be a proper routine based on the child’s preference of learning time, which should be followed consistently. Children get benefitted by this as they learn what to expect and develops a sense of structure.

Offer Support, But Don’t Overdo It: 

One should always be available to help or guide their child if needed, but never do their works for them. Parents should encourage their children to develop problem-solving skills and the sense of working independently.

Encourage Regular Breaks: 

Study period should have a decent amount of short breaks to avoid exhaustion. Child should be motivated to do some physical activities during these breaks to freshen up their minds.

What are some Good Homework Habits?

To give their apt performance in homeworks, students must develop some good homework habits. Following are some tips which can help them develop constructive homework habits:

Designate a Study Space: 

Students should always have a better workplace which should be quite, with good lighting, and free from all sorts of distractions. Positive learning environment has direct effects on how efficiently we perform, being focused and organized.

Set a Schedule: 

Being consistent is the key to success. Students must fix their study time and abide by it. It will help prevent procrastination and will produce fruitful outcomes.

Priorities Tasks: 

Prioritising assignments based on how challenging and important it is will help in its completion within the given timeline. Students should wisely divide their time and stick by the schedule for timely completion of their tasks.

Stay Organized: 

Staying organised will save a lot of time. Students should always keep a track of their assignments, deadlines and study materials required for it. They can make a planner or use digital tools to stay updated and prevent forgetting important stuff.

Limit Distractions: 

Avoid electronic gadgets, mobile phones, speakers in the workplace. Time assigned for the short breaks should not exceed by any means to remain focused towards your work. Parents need to create ways to limit the screen time of children .

A Closer Look at the Advantages and Disadvantages of Homework


Potential of promoting classroom learning

Students perform best when their homework reinforces what they’ve learned in class. Homework assignments that review lessons from the previous day increase pupils’ retention of important material.

When the students have completed homework, they can use their newly acquired skills to apply to other topics and real-life scenarios.

Develops crucial study skills

Another importance of homework is that students develop various necessary skills that they will carry with them throughout their academic and professional life, from time management and organization to self-motivation and independent learning.

It encourages the discipline of practice

While doing the same issues again might be tedious and challenging, it also strengthens the disciplined practice. It’s common to need repetition to get better at a skill. Each repetition makes you more proficient.

When homework is finished each night, especially for a challenging subject, the principles are easier to comprehend. This gives the student a benefit while looking for vocational employment later on in life.

Homework builds communication bridges

The relationship between the student, the teacher, the school, and the parents are forged by homework. Everyone can get to know one another better, and parents can identify where their kids are having difficulty. In a similar vein, parents may observe what areas their kids are doing particularly well.


Takes away from leisure time

Children can relax and explore the world during free time; for example, learning to ride a bike, reading a book , or socialising with friends and family teaches kids valuable skills that cannot be acquired when sitting at a computer.

Getting enough exercise, which can improve cognitive function , might be hampered by sedentary activities like doing schoolwork.

Causes unnecessary stress

The mere mention of “homework” can make students feel dreadful. Homework makes pupils feel worried, agitated, and unmotivated when the workload is excessive, and the tasks get harder.

As well as causing behavioural problems and sleep deprivation , this can make schoolwork a burdensome part of school life.

Not always effective

Numerous research has attempted to evaluate the importance of homework and how it enhances academic performance.

According to research by John Hattie, a professor of education at the University of Melbourne, homework in elementary school has a negligible impact since pupils are working on independent, unconnected projects rather than consolidating previously learned material.

According to Hattie’s research, homework at the elementary and secondary levels only works when it requires pupils to review previously taught material.

Final Thoughts

Last but not the least, homework do play a significant part in not only letting students perform better academically but also excel in life.

They develop very important skills like time-management, being responsible, being ready for future challenges and lot more. It helps them prepare for their upcoming exams by practicing and revising the topics already learnt in class.

In addition to it, homework develops self-discipline and perseverance, the attributes that are indispensable for success in life. In spite of few complaints, homework’s hold a crucial place in education system, contributing to a student’s academic performance and a holistic development.

The advantages and disadvantages of homework are both genuine, and it appears that the topic of whether or not students should have homework is not an easy one to answer. It is often observed that parents and teachers are at odds while the students are left out in the middle.

It’s crucial to weigh both viewpoints to reach a middle ground. The achievement of the learner is ultimately everyone’s goal.

To help achieve this goal even more easily, 21K School has designed curriculums that will minimize the workload on students and help them have a better learning experience.

Despite occasional complaints, homework remains an essential component of education, contributing significantly to students’ academic growth and overall development.

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Homework can benefit students because it reinforces learning, helps develop responsibility and time management skills, and provides opportunities for independent practice and self-reflection.

The necessity of daily homework for students can depend on various factors such as the student’s age, grade level, learning style, and the goals of the curriculum. Daily homework may not be necessary for younger students as they may require more hands-on and play-based learning experiences. However, as students get older, daily homework can become more critical as it helps reinforce learning and develop time management and study skills.

Homework can be good for your brain in several ways:


Memory retention: Homework can help you better retain and recall information by providing opportunities for repetition and practice.


Critical thinking: Homework can help you develop critical thinking skills by challenging you to analyse and apply information in new and creative ways.


Time management: Completing homework requires discipline and time management skills, which can help improve executive functioning in the brain.


Self-reflection: Homework can provide opportunities for self-reflection and self-assessment, which can help you identify areas where you need to improve and develop a growth mindset.


Overall, regular homework assignments can help keep your brain active and engaged outside of the classroom, which can have long-term benefits for learning and academic success.

Yes, homework can have a positive effect. It can help students develop organisational and time management skills, reinforce what has been learned in class, and prepare for upcoming tests and assignments. Homework also encourages independent learning, which is critical to success in school and beyond. As students get older, homework increasingly allows them to take responsibility.

Homework is beneficial to students in a variety of ways. It allows students to practice and reinforce the material they are learning. This repetition helps them develop better understanding and mastery of the subject matter, which can result in improved performance on tests and assignments. Homework also helps teach students responsibility, as they are expected to complete the assigned tasks. Additionally, it gives students an opportunity to work independently and develop problem solving skills that will be useful throughout their academic careers.

Homework can help students in the future by reinforcing the concepts and skills taught in class, improving time management and study skills, and preparing students for future academic and career responsibilities.

When giving homework to students, it is essential to provide clear instructions and expectations, assign tasks that align with class objectives, and provide opportunities for students to seek clarification or additional help.

To motivate students to do their homework, teachers can provide incentives, offer choices, make the assignments relevant and engaging, and provide timely feedback and recognition for completed work.

Teachers give homework to students for several reasons, including reinforcing learning, assessing understanding, providing additional practice, developing study habits and time management skills, and preparing students for future academic and career responsibilities.

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