11 Cool FACTS About Programming and Coding You NEED to Know

  • admin
  • 2023-07-12
  • 3 min read

Coding and programming have turned into essential skills in today’s world. From adults to first graders, programming and coding have grabbed the attention of people of all age groups. While coding and programming skills may come naturally to some people, they can appear a bit scary to others. At first glance, it may not sound very easy, but there is a fun way to look at it too.

Here we have compiled the 11 most incredible facts about programming and coding that you need to know. Please go through them to change your outlook on the topic!

1. Wide Variety of Options:

Not many people know, but there are over 700 types of coding languages. Some of the programming languages which are used most often are Java, Python, HTML, PHP, Swift, Scala, Go, etc. On top of that, new programming languages can be created anytime.

2. Historical Importance of Coding:

Besides the contemporary significance, the importance of computer codes goes way back to historical times. Surprisingly, coding and programming played a pivotal role in ending World War II. Thanks to the cryptologic and mathematical skills of Alan Turing, an English computer scientist, the Nazi’s code machine was successfully developed.

3. Exceptional facts about Java:

One programming language which almost everyone would have heard of is Java. Not many people know that this programming language serves both as a compiler as well as an interpreter. Java is also widely known as a dynamically typed language as the variable type is set at runtime. Moreover, a programmer can also create new variables at runtime in Java.

4. Special Features of Python Language:

Most modern programming languages return only one value from a single function, except the Python programming language for Data Science. Also, unlike other coding languages, a programmer can represent infinity as an integer through float values in Python.

5. The Father of Computer Virus Defense Techniques:

Fred Cohen developed a parasitic application that could ‘infect’ computer systems, naming this application a “computer virus.”

6. The Growing Demand for Coding and Programming:

As per many experts, in the coming times, the knowledge of coding and programming languages will become as necessary to daily life as literacy is now. In other words, this could also mean that countries with a 99% literacy rate now could expect about 99% of people to possess coding skills in the future.

7. Know About The First Programmer:

The very first person to achieve the modern understanding of a program was Ada Lovelace, the daughter of a mad poet. She was the only legitimate daughter of the renowned poet Lord Byron. While working with a peer on a general-purpose mechanical computer, she recognized that the machine could do much more than perform just simple and pure calculations.

8. Earn Big With Coding and Programming Skills:

One thing which makes coding and programming much more attractive to society is that it brings in big money. Good knowledge of coding and programming languages can give students high returns on cash. Another pleasant fact is that a data scientist’s average salary goes up to $100,000.

9. Coding and Programming- The Study of 0s and 1s:

Unlike other worldly languages, which are made up of various characters, coding and programming languages are made up of just 0s and 1s. There are infinite combinations possible out of these two digits. Therefore, new software can be written at any time.

10. Bursting the Coding and Programming Myths:

One of the common misconceptions people have about coding is that it can be learned only by people who have a technological background. However, in today’s world, about 70% of coding jobs are in career fields entirely unrelated to technology.

11. Power Up Brain By Coding and Programming Skills:

Studies have shown that learning to code can enhance brain performance. It provides definite cognitive benefits such as critical thinking, creative problem-solving skills, and teamwork spirit. Learning programming languages stimulates activity in the brain, dramatically reducing the probability of degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.

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Coding and programming languages bring with them a plethora of benefits. Apart from this fact, it is ultimately the cool quotient of coding and programming that appeals to students. For a transparent and quality education, irrespective of situation and location, 21K School is the top choice for thousands of parents in coding and programming!

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Interesting facts about the origins of programming and coding include the fact that Ada Lovelace is often credited with writing the world’s first programming instructions in the mid-1800s for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, making her the world’s first programmer. Additionally, the term “bug” in programming originated from a real incident when a moth got trapped in a relay of the Harvard Mark II computer in 1947, causing a malfunction. This incident led to the use of “debugging” to describe fixing coding errors.

The world’s first programming language is often attributed to Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and writer in the mid-1800s. She created the first known algorithm for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine, making her the world’s first programmer. Her notes included instructions for calculating Bernoulli numbers, effectively creating a programming concept well ahead of her time.

The term “bug” in programming has a fascinating origin. It relates to an actual historical incident involving the Harvard Mark II computer in 1947. A moth got trapped in a relay of the computer, causing a malfunction. When engineers found and removed the moth, they noted it as the “first actual case” of a computer bug. This incident led to the use of the term “debugging” to describe the process of identifying and fixing coding errors, making it a quirky part of programming history.

The pioneers of computing, Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper, made significant contributions to the field. Ada Lovelace’s notes on Babbage’s Analytical Engine included an algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers, considered the first computer program. Grace Hopper developed the first compiler, which translated human-readable code into machine code, making programming more accessible.

The concept of “open source” refers to software that is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It has greatly contributed to software development by fostering collaboration and innovation within the coding community. Open source projects like Linux and Apache have become foundational to modern computing.

The ENIAC computer, developed in the 1940s, was one of the first electronic general-purpose computers. It played a vital role in shaping the early days of programming, enabling complex calculations for scientific and military applications.

Modern programming languages have evolved to become more user-friendly and versatile.

Python, known for its simplicity and readability, has gained popularity for web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence due to its wide range of libraries and applications.

The sheer volume of lines of code in popular software applications can be mind-boggling. For example, the Linux operating system, which powers many servers and devices worldwide, consists of millions of lines of code, with estimates ranging from 27 to 30 million lines.

Impressive achievements made through coding and programming skills include the development of life-saving medical software, space exploration missions like NASA’s Mars rovers, and the creation of global communication platforms and social media networks that connect people worldwide. The impact of coding extends to virtually every aspect of modern life.

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