First-Time Expat Teens’ Mental Health

  • admin
  • 2022-12-01
  • 4 min read
First-Time Expat Teens' Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on October 10. In recognition of the day, people want to call attention to a facet of ex-pat living that isn’t usually well-noted. The mental health of ex-pats! It is simpler to control the expectations and, hopefully, avoid some unpleasant experiences many people have when they move abroad if one is adequately and realistically prepared for the new life there.

Expats are sometimes thought of as people who relocate abroad to experience new possibilities and cultures. Comments like “Oh, you’re so brave, I could never do that” are common. Expats tend to be more open to trying new things because of their inherent enthusiasm for life. Everything revolves around discovering the world and building a new, presumably better life for oneself.

While it may be the driving force, ex-pats are more likely to experience mental health problems than people who stay in their place of origin.

According to data from The Mental Health Status of Expatriates Versus US Domestic Workers, expatriates have a double the chance of developing mental health problems than persons who never leave the country. According to statistics, ex-pats are particularly susceptible to experiencing anxiety and sadness after relocating. Therefore, while expats’ choices may appear fashionable on the outside, they may conceal inside suffering.

Why do ex-pats generally have worse mental health?

Compared to those who never move, ex-pats tend to have worse mental health. However, the situation is more intricate than it initially appears to be. Those ex-pats who relocate because they want to escape the conditions in their home country typically have good mental health. In addition, for those fleeing war, hardship, or a violent environment, ex-pats are frequently grateful for the calm and security of their new homeland. In these circumstances, there isn’t much to miss about the place of origin, which fosters a cheerful mindset.

Others, though, don’t have such a good condition. Expats frequently move away from their native country with hopes for a better life, only to find themselves alone and alone. Having a network of contacts or not speaking the same language can make life difficult. Expats are susceptible to falling into the trap of missing their friends and family back home and yearning for the life they used to live. Missing out on school is also a grave concern.   are closely related. They offer a flexible learning experience that doesn’t sacrifice quality education.

The accompanying partner, sometimes known as the trailing spouse, is more likely to experience ex-pat sadness than the working ex-pat. This is frequently the result of the partner giving up their work to assist their partner in adjusting to their new, foreign lifestyle. A career sacrifice results in identity, personality, and confidence impairment. Discontent can sometimes reach a breaking point.

Family and Friends

When times are rough, we often feel like we can’t talk to our friends and relatives back home for some mysterious reason. Life as an ex-pat can be challenging. When one has had a tough day, one might vent on social media, and someone may respond with, “What are you whining about? You’re experiencing your dream”. And, “You decided to leave your friends and family behind. Buttercup, take it”.

The shame of being an ex-pat grows, and we feel like we can’t even speak to our loved ones. Here’s some advice for the friends and family of ex-pats: don’t do this! Do you honestly believe it is beneficial?

Another advice is to get in touch if a friend who lives overseas suddenly stops posting on social media. Since they could not be experiencing the “glamorous” part of their life, they might be struggling and unable to upload “the regular gorgeous photographs of their existence.” They can go through a difficult time and not want to tell anyone.

Family problems can add to stress, and isolation can cause sadness. A person can probably prioritise the kids’ demands and feelings in addition to their own while managing their sentiments.

Since their primary interest is maintaining relationships with their parents and close relatives, younger children frequently adapt to cultural and environmental changes relatively rapidly. On the other hand, older children and teenagers may find it challenging to acclimate and integrate into new social circles. Their mental health suffers which naturally affects children and the family.


Moving to a new nation is a significant life challenge, like starting a business or having children. The straightforward way of life needs substantial changes, which could be unpleasant (understatement!). If you are at the stage of making decisions for your child’s schooling, make sure you consider online schooling for ex-pats  which might be better suited for your lifestyle.


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