The Fascinating Journey Of Abraham Lincoln

  • admin
  • 2023-05-10
  • 4 min read

Abraham Lincoln, regarded as one of the greatest presidents in history, sparked reforms, justice, and freedom in the United States. He was a leader and an agent of change who worked to end slavery and establish a more equitable and just society. Abraham Lincoln was a devoted reader of John Stuart Mill and the concept of individualism, democracy, and economic progress. He held the conviction that America was a nation of opportunity and equity throughout his political career. Even after his untimely passing, his accomplishments, words, and beliefs continue to impact leaders and politicians worldwide. This blog will examine Abraham Lincoln’s life and career.

Childhood and Education

Abraham Lincoln’s journey started at Hodgenville, Kentucky, where his parents, Thomas and Nancy Hanks, gave birth to him in 1809. Abraham Lincoln did not acquire a lot of formal education because the Lincoln family frequently traveled to survive. Despite these challenges, Lincoln was a voracious reader. He read writings and speeches of the politician Henry Clay, British political thinkers, Charles Darwin, the Bible, and several biographies. Unfortunately, his family’s financial circumstances and difficulties forced him to accept menial jobs to support them. Nevertheless, these written works left a lasting impression on him.

 Lincoln relocated to Illinois after realizing his life and development did not refer to a farming career. Instead, he worked as a shopkeeper and a politician and even served briefly in the military during the Black Hawk War. Abraham Lincoln’s quest received a boost when, in 1836, he finally decided to pursue law and, shortly after that, passed the bar test. Lincoln continued actively participating in Illinois’ local politics as a successful attorney and Whig Party member. His persuasive criticism of the Mexican American War, slavery and the state’s lack of changes in industrial prosperity helped him position himself as a man of principle. Lincoln’s personality and incisive stand on political, foreign, and economic matters made him enormously popular.

Job Highlights

Some of Abraham Lincoln’s most significant professional high points are listed below.

  • Lincoln was sworn in as the first Republican president in 1861.
  • Lincoln had the foresight to create the Department of Agriculture, or the “People’s Department,” amid the brutal Civil War.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation, which freed millions of enslaved people, was signed by Lincoln in 1863.
  • He put in a lot of effort as a military strategist to meet the soldiers’ welfare, sanitation, and safety needs in 1864. Lincoln delivered remarks at several sanitary commission meetings held in Maryland and Philadelphia to raise money to assist the troops and their families.
  • Lincoln was killed for the first time as president of the United States in 1865.

Career In Politics And The Presidency

Even though his political career experienced its share of ups and downs, it was the disaster of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the breakup of the Whig Party gave Abraham Lincoln a fair chance to begin his journey toward a full-fledged political career. Instead, Lincoln rejoined the Republican Party, which was made up of “free soilers,” or people who wanted to end slavery and prevent it from spreading to the western territories.

 Lincoln delivered his famous House speech in 1858 as he campaigned against the well-known Stephen A. Douglas for the position of senator. Although Lincoln fought for equal rights and civil liberties at his core, his strategy for abolishing slavery was complicated, and he never identified as an abolitionist. Instead, he desired the impoverished to build a more accessible and prosperous life in the new regions.

 Lincoln chose to run for president as the Republican Party’s nominee in 1860 after Douglas defeated him in the senate vote. Even though he was up against well-known political heavyweights, Lincoln persisted. He ran a well-organized campaign, delivered multiple speeches throughout the Northern states, and won their support, all of which contributed to his overwhelming victory in the November 1860 election.

 Abraham Lincoln’s life took a sudden turn when he became president during intense political unrest. Shortly after he assumed office, some southern states, led by South Carolina, which were upset with the election results, chose to separate from the Union. As a result, the well-known American Civil War lasted for most of the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

 The American Civil War altered the direction of American and world history; it wasn’t only about secession or slavery but also about defending and advancing democracy and freedom. Due to Lincoln’s noble, dignified, and shrewd temperament throughout the horrifying civil war introduced the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed millions of enslaved Africans and permitted them to serve in the army.


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Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and played a pivotal role in American history. He is best known for his leadership during the American Civil War and for his efforts to preserve the Union and abolish slavery.

Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809. His upbringing was marked by poverty, but he was a self-taught individual who developed a strong passion for learning and law.

Lincoln worked as a self-taught lawyer, gaining recognition for his honesty and legal acumen. He entered politics, serving as a state legislator and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Lincoln’s presidency, from 1861 to 1865, saw significant events, including the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared enslaved people in Confederate-held territory to be free. He also delivered the Gettysburg Address, a speech that emphasized the importance of a united nation.

Lincoln’s opposition to the spread of slavery into new territories and states led to tensions that culminated in the American Civil War. His leadership during the war aimed at preserving the Union and ultimately led to the abolition of slavery with the passage of the 13th Amendment.

Lincoln’s determination to preserve the United States as a single, united nation was a defining aspect of his presidency. His leadership during a tumultuous time in American history helped guide the nation through a period of great crisis.

Before his political career, Lincoln was known for his physical strength and skill as a wrestler. He participated in numerous wrestling matches and earned a reputation as a formidable opponent. In one famous match, he defeated a local champion with just one move.

Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation remains a significant milestone in the fight for civil rights and equality. His leadership qualities, including honesty, humility, and determination, continue to inspire leaders worldwide. His tragic assassination in 1865 had a profound impact on American politics and society. Lincoln’s legacy is a testament to the enduring ideals of democracy, freedom, and equality.

Abraham Lincoln’s tragic assassination in 1865 had a profound impact on American politics and society. His death led to a period of national mourning, and it cast a shadow over the post-Civil War era. It created a void in leadership during a critical time of Reconstruction, which shaped the course of reconciliation between the North and South.

Abraham Lincoln’s enduring legacy lies in his principles of democracy, equality, and justice. His leadership during a tumultuous period in American history is studied and admired by leaders worldwide. Lincoln’s emphasis on preserving the Union, his commitment to ending slavery, and his unwavering dedication to the principles of freedom and democracy continue to inspire modern leadership and guide the nation’s values.

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