10 changes we will see in K-12 Education from now

  • admin
  • 2023-04-01
  • 5 min read

The education sector has undergone some major changes in the past few years, especially after the Covid pandemic. It has managed to retain its place in the new virtual era. Today, every school has a digital portal where you can do stuff online like submitting assignments, keeping a check on attendance etc. By combining technology and education models,K-12  institutes are able to level up the teaching and learning methods in schools and universities.

The K-12 years are the building years of a student, in these years a student gets to think out of the box. So, providing them with the right education is necessary. 

In order to empower them, we need to create more engaging teaching aids than just a traditional classroom . Innovative methods will help students excel overall development that would be beneficial for their future.

There have been many changes that have taken place in K-12 classrooms and they will continue to take place in future. Some major changes that we will see in K-12 classrooms include:

1. Flipped Classrooms

Flipped classrooms mean a learning environment where students study at home and do their assignments in the classroom. Earlier students were  used to the idea of doing homework at home and reading the chapters and making notes in the classroom. By the flipped approach, the idea is reversed, now students read at home and do the homework in the classroom.

The main goal of this approach is to keep the students active in the classrooms by engaging them in discussions.  Students can watch video-based learning content, research external web links etc., at home or anywhere they want. But in the classroom, the instructor would guide them and engage in practical learning with experiments, group discussions etc.

2. Audiobooks

Audiobooks have made it easier for students to learn. Students who could not read due to physical challenges like dyslexia, visual impairment etc., can benefit from audiobooks as they can listen to their course materials.

It is a fact that by listening you can improve your learning ability and vocabulary. Audiobooks provide a sensory experience, keeping students engaged and helping them retain information. You can just start the lesson from where you left and start learning at your pace.

3. Digital Libraries

A digital library is a collection of study materials like instructional videos, audiobooks, reading materials, practice assignments etc. It is kind of an online portal where e-books, assignments, learning material can be stored and every student can access them. Every school is making its own digital library to make the education easy and innovative.

A digital library offers a wide variety of learning material to students. Students can learn from their home without the worry of returning the book to the library.

4. Social Media for Collaborative Learning

Social media is one of the most important things in today’s world. It can be useful and time draining at the same time. Students can collaborate and interact with other students to learn new things.The social sharing feature is used to share content with their people. One can utilise social media in a good way. They can also post content, like and comment on each other’s posts. Creating a dedicated social media page for your institute will encourage students to learn and interact more. You can post questions and engaging content so that your students have the advantage to learn on social media also.

5. Simulation Games

Simulation games are created for educational purposes. These are the exercises that are done on screens, where a user can control the actions. It is similar to a video game. Students can learn by playing and by being in the game, one can experience everything that will help them to remember things. This program is created to prepare everyone for the worst and learn to deal with similar situations in future. This helps them to understand which approach works best and which doesn’t. In a simulated learning environment, students get a chance to make mistakes and learn from them.

6. Augmented Reality

This is an innovative technology in today’s world. In augmented reality, the computer generated graphics are overlaid on screens in a manner that they look real. This takes the learning process to a whole new level. For example, students can do chemical reactions on their phone without actually going to the laboratories to perform the test. This gives students a new chance to discover and learn at their own pace. You can get the experience of the class in your home by AR.

7. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is an upgraded version of Augmented reality, it makes the users believe that they are physically present in the digital world. This can be used in a geography class to make the students experience different places. This is a whole new experience for students. Teachers don’t have to worry about taking the students physically anywhere, they can just arrange a virtual reality class.

8. Soft Skills

Soft skills refer to a set of personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. These skills include communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, empathy, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. As the world becomes more connected and diverse, the importance of soft skills in the workplace has grown significantly. Employers these days focus more strong soft skills than technical skills. In fact, according to a recent study by LinkedIn, 92% of talent professionals and hiring managers say that soft skills are equally or more important than hard skills when they are evaluating candidates. In education, there is a growing recognition of the importance of teaching and developing soft skills in students. 

9. Creativity and Innovation

In education, there is a recognition that traditional methods of teaching, which often focus on memorization and regurgitation of information, may not be sufficient to develop creativity and innovation. Instead, schools are exploring new ways of teaching that encourage students to think creatively and solve problems. Through project-based learning and hobby-related classes like extracurricular activities, clubs, or elective courses, students can explore and apply their creativity and innovation skills in a real-world context.

10. Personalised Learning

Personalised learning is an educational approach that seeks to tailor learning experiences and content to the individual needs, abilities, interests, and learning styles of each student. Rather than teaching to the whole class, personalised learning seeks to adapt teaching and learning to each student’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to progress at their own pace.

In recent years, many innovations have been made in the field of technology. These innovations can leverage the education system. Today, the curriculum is designed in such a way that the concepts that are taught can be applied not only in classrooms but also in real-lives. K-12 students now have the opportunity to explore and enhance their knowledge with many digital resources to learn better. Every educational institution should adopt these new technologies to enhance their teaching experience. We are creating the future.

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