Sleep And Mental Well-Being In Young People

  • admin
  • 2022-12-13
  • 4 min read
Sleep And Mental Well-Being In Young People

Ways to build Mental Well-Being and Sleep in young people

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly created challenges for the education system, and this has affected the majority of students across the world. E-learning has been adopted in many nations. However, this has led to more mental health problems among students. Schools were forced to conduct classes online due to the pandemic. This also included educational institutions , various businesses, and public gathering places, a massive challenge for parents to manage their children at home. The parents’ main challenge was keeping the children engaged at home and avoiding distraction. In addition, controlling children’s emotional intelligence and mental health emerged as the most challenging problem.

Numerous research studies have found that children are more likely to experience mental health problems during pandemic times. The number of child mental health cases has significantly increased since 2019. Thus, it has become essential to teach children stress-relieving techniques. This begins with having a conversation with the child and knowing their fears.

Here are some ways parents can reduce stress and restore mental well-being in young people.

1. Understand the reactions of young people to pandemic

Since not every child is the same, they tend to perceive situations differently. Some kids are extroverted and frequently become upset when told to stay home. Extroverted children are habituated to socializing, and they become irritated. At the same time, other children stay calm but miss school and their friends. Parents must ensure that their kids have a full schedule and activities to keep them busy at home. Parents should also spend time with their children to ensure a healthy mindset.

2. Emotional presence

Time is the most important gift parents can give to their children. Children frequently feel lonely since their parents are at work, so an effort should be made to spend time with them. Parents need to support their children and guide them on the right path. Young people are often confused and require proper guidance from their parents. Here, parents need to show utmost care to become a robust support system for their children.

3. Social Isolation

Children feel excluded when there isn’t social engagement. They have panic attacks, social anxiety, and a fear of missing out. Perhaps the only option is for parents to engage with their kids and organize imaginative activities like indoor video games. They can also encourage their children to video call their friends and spend quality time.

4. Indulge in activities and create a happy environment

Since there isn’t much to do at home, kids get bored. Parents must include their kids in activities that they enjoy. This covers performing music, playing indoor games, and even creating art and crafts. A relaxed atmosphere must be developed because a child’s pleasure is solely based on their parents’ actions and the environment at home. Children’s sleeping habits should also be considered. Since the child’s happiness is purely dependent on the parent’s behaviour and the home environment, a flexible environment is to be created. The sleep pattern of children should also be taken care of.

5. Increase motivation

Sometimes parents need to encourage and reassure their kids. The likelihood of self-doubt rises in the absence of affirmation. Parents must make their children aware of their likes and dislikes and increase their self-awareness. Parents can also give examples to explain ways to solve the issues. Read about some tips on how to motivate your homeschool kids  here.

6. Consult an online psychologist or medical practitioner

Parents often worry about their illness without being aware of it. Therefore, it is suggested that parents speak with an online psychologist. This would assist the parents in deciding how best to support their child’s physical and emotional well-being. Mental health specialists can understand the thoughts and emotional states of children. Here, the mental health professional would suggest ways to deal with the child’s mental problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Knowing this makes it simpler for parents to comprehend the primary concern of children.

The global pandemic has undoubtedly changed how things are done. In such challenging times, it is the prime duty of parents to support their children and ensure that they feel protected and supported. Parents must oversee their children’s sleep and mental health throughout these times.

Also, read how online education can help children with social anxiety  in our blog.

21K School ‘s Counselling Department are available to every student. The counsellors develop a specific action plan to address the varying behavioural, emotional, academic, and adjustment concerns that a student may be going through. These plans are then implemented in a comfortable way for the student. Learn more about Special Education  Practices at 21K School here.


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Sleep plays an important role in mental health and wellbeing. People who don’t get enough sleep can experience a range of symptoms, including irritability, fatigue, lack of concentration and difficulty with memory. It is especially important for young people as it helps them to focus on their studies and develop healthy habits that will help them later in life.

Getting enough sleep includes improved concentration and mood, better physical health, increased energy levels and the ability to cope better with stress.

Getting enough sleep can help improve mood, concentration and overall mental health. 

The recommended amount of sleep for young people aged between 13-18 years old is 8-10 hours per night. 

Lack of sleep can lead to poor academic performance, mood swings, depression, impaired judgment and higher risk taking behaviour.

Sleep is extremely important for mental health and wellbeing, as it helps to restore the body’s energy reserves and regulate hormones like cortisol which play a role in mood regulation.

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