What Are Computer Characteristics: 10 Computer Characteristics Every Child Should Know

  • admin
  • 2023-05-09
  • 3 min read

A computer is an electronic device capable of calculating and processing a tremendous amount of data in a short time. It does what most humans cannot and does it quickly and efficiently. But, unlike us, a computer cannot process everything as we do. Computers don’t understand natural language processing as we do. They have their language called Machine Language, also known as Binary Language.

 For computers to use Binary language and process a large amount of data, they need various types of hardware and software combinations. So, a computer is, basically, a combination of this hardware and software. But what makes a laptop suitable? Well, that is defined by the characteristics of a computer. What do you mean by the characteristics of a computer? The characteristics of a computer can be described as the features or qualities of the computer.

So, what are these characteristics of a computer? And how many computer characteristics are there? Let’s discuss the ten computer characteristics that every child should know.

10 Major Computer Characteristics


The speed best describes the number of operations a computer can perform in one second. A computer is incredibly fast, but with ongoing technological advancement, what was superfast in the year 1997 may seem to possess a tortoise-like speed compared to modern-day computers, and this speed of computers will keep getting faster and faster steadily.


So, you have a fast computer, but this speed alone will not get the task done. A computer will have to be accurate, and it normally is. Under normal circumstances, a computer can offer up to 100% error-free operations, and any errors found are usually the result of human intervention. But there have been instances when a computer did make some errors, but they were rare cases, and the chances of mistakes happening is next to none.


We get tired and may get bored, but a computer doesn’t. Computers don’t get bored or tired or lose concentration. It can work continuously for works without breaking a sweat. It can run millions of operations day in and day out and still produce perfect results.


Computers are highly reliable and don’t make any errors, but a computer cannot be held responsible for any human errors. It will process the data accurately if you can provide it correctly. Feed the wrong data to the computer, and the results processed by it will also be inaccurate.


There are various types of computers, but the one memory that the computers frequently use is RAM, an acronym for Random Access Memory. This type of memory is extremely fast with colossal bandwidth, which can feed the computer processor millions and billions of data to process.


The logical characteristic of a computer allows the computer to solve problems related to reasoning, thinking, and learning. It’s now better defined as artificial intelligence, or AI for short.


Computers are said to be one of the most versatile machines of all time, thanks to their incredible ability to adjust and perform any necessary task. For example, it can perform word processing in one application and instantly switch to another for different requirements.


Automation is the ability to perform a task without requiring human interactions. A modern-day computer can indeed perform many tasks all by itself. A computer can even perform multiple operations from multiple applications on a timely basis, provided that you set the computer to use specific applications at a particular time. Once the automation is set up, the computer will perform all the functions as described. But this automation may break before it completes the last task in case of a programming or application error.


Suppose you make a set of calculations, and the result displayed will be the same result you saw a year before when you made the same calculations. Any action performed by a computer will always maintain consistency.

Memory Power

Unlike humans, a computer doesn’t forget. A laptop can remember anything that you want it to remember. Data stored in a computer will still be in its memory in its original form even after 20 to 30 years.

Wrapping Up

The combined result of these characteristics defines how great a computer is and how well it will perform. For example, how many calculations or the amount of data a computer can process will depend on these characteristics.


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Every child should be familiar with the basic components of a computer, including the Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory (RAM and storage), input and output devices, the operating system, software applications, connectivity and networking, graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and concepts of data security and privacy.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the “brain” of the computer. It performs calculations, executes instructions, and manages data, allowing the computer to function. It processes tasks and controls the operation of other components.

Memory, including RAM (Random Access Memory) and storage, is crucial for a computer’s performance. RAM provides quick access to data for running programs, while storage (like a hard drive or SSD) stores data and applications for long-term use.

Input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse) allow users to input data, while output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) display or produce information from the computer. These devices enable interaction with the computer.

An operating system manages hardware and software resources, facilitating user interaction. It controls tasks like file management, memory allocation, and hardware coordination, making it a crucial part of computer functionality.

Different software applications and programs enhance a computer’s capabilities. They perform specific tasks, such as word processing, graphic design, or gaming, based on user needs.

Connectivity and networking allow computers to communicate with each other and access the internet. This enables data sharing, online collaboration, and access to a vast information network.

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) make computers more user-friendly by providing visual icons and menus for interaction, simplifying complex tasks and enhancing accessibility.

Understanding data security and privacy is crucial to protect personal information and sensitive data when using computers. Knowledge of password management and safe online practices is essential.

These computer characteristics are essential for daily life. For example, using a computer for school assignments, online research, or communicating with friends and family demonstrates the importance of these components. Additionally, understanding data security is vital to protect against cyber threats and identity theft.

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