7 tips for parents to help their kids become successful in school

  • admin
  • 2022-09-27
  • 5 min read
Mother teach her daughter

The primitive years of school till they finish it are the years where kids get most of their psychological development, and they get influenced easily. So, as a parent, this is the time when you should be more attentive and take care even of the slightest issues to ensure that your kid is not drifting away from the family. Now, helping them in school work and reach the success they aim for can be a great way to forge a bond with them. It will not only help you to understand your kid better and what is going on with him/her, but also, you can find ways to be successful together.

7 Ways to Help Kids Be Successful in School

So, here are some ways to be successful with your kids’ schoolwork –

1. Ensure that homework is get done

Parents, especially if they are working or have other engagements, it becomes difficult for them to check up on their kids regarding their schoolwork. However, doing so is important.

You must have clear communication with the teachers assigning homework to your kids. Since the aim here is to educate the kid in the best way possible and add up to your workload, you can talk to the teacher and plan accordingly. Completing home every day is among the ways to be successful for your children to make a good impression at school.

2. Make time to discuss education

With primary school pupils, discussing current events in the classroom and other school-related topics is usually simple. You probably are aware of the books your child is reading and the maths being practised . However, busy parents sometimes fail to ask basic inquiries, which might negatively impact kids’ academic performance.

3. Use new tools and technology

Through movies, games, and other mediums, there are now new ways to learn as a result of the infusion of technology in the education sector. Every home now has access to the internet , which allows you to learn almost anything you want. Assist your youngster in learning how to use educational platforms and apps that place games at their centre. Students can learn easily and enjoyably thanks to modern learning tools.

4. Ensure your child reaches school on time

Being disciplined is one of the ways to be successful, but your kid is not aware of that. So, as a parent, you need to take that responsibility and install it in him or her. As a part of this, the first thing you can teach him is the importance of reaching school on time.

After that, you can slowly progress to other areas.

5. Practice self-respect, and respect for others

Some parents let their children do anything they want at home while expecting them to behave and be respectful to others. Undoubtedly, making kids behave properly is not a cakewalk, but you need to start somewhere.

Well, the best point to start is to make them understand the value of respect and how it can only come when they show it to others.

6. Reach out to their teachers

Consult your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding their performance. Take note of where they are lacking and how to help them improve in those areas. Also, consult with the teachers in case you feel something bothering the kid.

7. Educate yourself and advocate for your child

Ask the teacher or administrator about it and seek their guidance if you have concerns about your child’s learning or behaviour. You can have inquiries like these: What specific reading issues is my child facing ? Is there anything I can do to help my child resolve this issue? How can I make my child complete their homework ? What reading group does my kid belong to?

8. Support Homework Expectations

Make a routine of doing homework for your child. Make sure the place of study is quiet and away from any sort of distraction so that your child can give his/her focus on completing assignments. Let them understand why it is important to complete the homework on time and always stand by their side whenever they need to, but give them responsibility for their homework. Further, ask them to be nervous-free while asking questions from their teacher and get clarification on any topic they find difficult to understand.

9. Attend Parent Organization Meetings

Do not miss parent organisation meetings because they keep you updated with all events & policies of the schools, give you updates about your child’s progress, meet with other parents and students, share ideas and suggestions with them, and learn more about school. Being available in these meetings makes the management believe that you are attentive towards your child’s education and this will motivate them to take their school involvement seriously. 

10. Encourage Active Learning

Active learning is far better than merely listening to some lectures. Ask your child to get involved in interactive activities, hands-on projects, debates, and all these creative activities. Give them resources like educational games, and books, take them to museums or planetariums, and more such places to enhance the learning experience and make the learning fun.

11. Get Involved

Get involved in your child’s school life by attending annual function events, parent-teacher meetings, any other programs, sports, and more. Your presence shows that you are prioritising their education and are always there to support them. This not only levels up your child’s confidence but also keeps you updated about how they are doing in their study and also about any sort of challenges they face. Further, a conversation with their class teachers also lets you know how they are doing in class and how you help your child more at home.

Parting Thoughts

There are different ways to be successful, but you want the best possible one for your kid. Well, to achieve that feat, you need to be involved in his/her day-to-day activities and ensure that they are on track with their schoolwork. Alternatively, you can also get in touch with 21K School , one of India’s leading homeschool providers. They have ample flexible and personalised learning programs that will assist your kid in reaching his/her goal.


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Parents can help their child in studies by creating a supportive and structured learning environment at home. This includes setting aside a specific time and place for homework, providing necessary materials and resources, checking in regularly on progress, and offering encouragement and praise for effort.

The three most important things parents can teach their child are empathy, resilience, and responsibility. Empathy helps children understand and connect with others; resilience helps them bounce back from challenges; and responsibility teaches them to be accountable for their actions.

Studies suggest that parenting styles that promote warmth, structure, and autonomy tend to raise successful kids. Warmth involves showing love and affection towards the child; structure involves setting clear expectations and boundaries; and autonomy involves fostering independence while still providing support.

Parents can make it easier for their children to succeed in school by being involved in their education, communicating regularly with teachers, providing a positive attitude towards learning, helping with homework when needed,and creating a conducive study environment.

A child’s success is influenced by many factors such as the quality of education they receive, parental involvement in their education, access to resources such as books or technology at home,and the child’s own motivation levels. Other factors include socio-economic status,demographic background,and community support.

A child’s success is influenced by many factors such as the quality of education they receive, parental involvement in their education, access to resources such as books or technology at home,and the child’s own motivation levels. Other factors include socio-economic status,demographic background,and community support.

Children are happy in school when they feel safe,cared for,supported emotionally & academically,having good relationships with peers & teachers,enjoying learning activities & having opportunities to explore their interests outside academics.

Factors contributing to student success include having access to high-quality instruction & curriculum,having supportive relationships with teachers & peers,receiving timely feedback on assignments,having opportunities for hands-on learning experiences,& feeling a sense of belongingness within the school community. Additionally,a student’s motivation level,determination,& work ethic also plays an important role in academic success.

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