Tips to How to Read Better and Faster

Tips to How to Read Better and Faster

You probably read something every day, whether it’s a blog article you check, work documents, or a novel. However, reading lengthy, thick sections of writing can be time-consuming, stressful, and taxing on the eyes. How to read better and faster? We often come across this question when we have to read extensive articles or huge novels.

Different suggestions are available if you want to read more quickly without compromising your knowledge.

Here are some useful reading tips for students  to make your reading better than ever before –

1) Check out the text

Before seeing a movie, watch the trailer to understand the story and what to expect. Like previewing a text, reading it before understanding it helps you learn it more rapidly. A text should be skimmed from beginning to end to preview it. Attention should be paid to headings, subsections, anything in bold, and bullet points.

Read the introductory and final paragraphs to grasp the big idea. Look for transitional phrases, scrutinize any graphs or visuals, and determine how the author organized the content. This will help you enhance your reading skills and improve your thought process.

2) Be mindful

Focus and concentration are necessary to read rapidly and comprehend what you read. Reduce outside noise, interruptions, and distractions as much as possible, and be aware of your thoughts as you read.

Bring your attention back to the text if you’re daydreaming about your upcoming meal rather than paying attention to it. Many individuals read a few phrases passively, without paying attention, then take some time to go back and reread them to be sure they understood.

3) Word–Chunking

Word-chunking and the concept of getting rid of the inner monologue are very similar. Reading numerous words at once is the secret to reading more quickly. Although word-chunking is arguably the most helpful strategy to employ when trying to speed up your reading, any of these reading techniques are interconnected.

Pay close attention to reading each section’s text as a single unit. Organize the text into chunks and scan them like a road sign. Continue repeating this while adjusting the paper as you go down the page. You’ll see that you have been able to enhance your reading skills.

4) Apply a timer

Speaking of “record time,” now is your opportunity to stick to the test and figure out how to read more quickly every time. Set a one-minute timer and regularly read as the time passes. Write down how many chapters you have read when the time is up off.

Continue doing this; it will help improve your previous total each time. When you accomplish a weekly or daily goal, reward yourself. If you keep playing this tiny game, you can quickly boost your reading speed.

5) Use a Marker

As you read, do you notice that your vision wanders across the page? Not an issue. Simply insert an index card beneath each line and read while it slides down. Doing so guarantees you’ll read line by line rather than skipping about and consuming nothing.

6) Practice expanding your vocabulary

Consider this: As you continue reading, a term you don’t recognize appears. Do you ignore it? Do you attempt to determine it from context? Do you pause to research it? Whichever line of action you choose, you will be considerably slowing down, if not completely stopping, as you seek the word.

You will be able to use more words if you attempt to increase your vocabulary. You read more quickly as you expand your vocabulary. You can read more if you read more quickly. Even though it seems obvious, it’s nonetheless significant.

7) Read Purposefully

Do you set goals before beginning a book?

Keep that objective in mind when you read, whether learning something new, acquiring knowledge, or finding answers. Reading with a purpose or goal in mind motivates you to keep reading.

Some pre-reading inquiries might speed up your understanding, particularly when reading a self-help book.


Your reading speed will undoubtedly increase if you read more. By reading frequently, you can improve your retention abilities, teach your brain to learn a specific reading strategy, and increase your word-per-minute reading speed.

But remember that reading is valid only if you retain the knowledge. As a result, you must improve your learning abilities. Check out our English Reading skill-development programme that could get you a leg-up in your future careers.



Reading smartly requires you to identify the purpose of your reading. Are you looking for information, trying to understand a concept, or seeking entertainment? Once you know your goal, adjust your approach accordingly. This could mean skimming and scanning texts quickly if you are merely gathering facts or slowing down to absorb the finer points of a novel if that is what you’re after.

The secret of reading lies in developing an engaged relationship with the text. When reading actively, readers think deeply about what they’re taking in by asking questions and making connections between their own experiences and the material on the page.

The best time to read depends on individual preferences; some people prefer mornings while others prefer evenings. However, it can be beneficial to read in short bursts throughout the day, rather than attempting to focus on reading for longer periods.

Reading at night can have mixed results. In general, engaging in stimulating activities before bed like reading, can make it harder to fall asleep and get enough rest. However, this could work best for you if you can concentrate while reading late into the night without feeling too tired or wired.

To read quickly and effectively, practice skimming and scanning techniques that let you identify the essential points without having to read every word of the text. Then try using active reading strategies such as predicting what’s coming next or summarizing what you’ve just read in your own words.

To help your child read better, start by setting aside time each day for reading together. Ask questions or provide prompts throughout the experience to encourage them to think more deeply about the material and form connections between their own experiences and what they’re reading.

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