How working with online schools is beneficial for teachers?

Written By21k school Team
Updated on07 May, 2021
Min Reading4 min read
Portrait of asian Indian lady teacher in saree stands against writing board conducting online class

India’s education system is one of the largest in the world with over 14 Lakh Schools and about 20 Crore students aged between 6 to 16 years old. Yet, our system is plagued by two disturbing features:

  •  A large number of students who attend school but are not learning

The above trends are well summarized in the ASER Survey Report 2020. It would only be fair to note here that governments and agencies have been committed to improving the state of India’s education system. The funds have been allocated, the intent is visible, but the challenges are mammoth for anyone to overcome in the short term unless we use the technology to leapfrog our education system.

New Model of Education

E-learning has been the greatest revolution in contemporary education. It has brought along a notable change in the system and opened enormous opportunities for students. Besides empowering students to progress beyond the course expectations, it inspires them to explore and go beyond the set curriculum. Another considerable benefit of online schools is that it allows teachers to dedicate comparatively more time and focus on pedagogical functionality. It facilitates teachers to digitally issue tests, automate marking, and track student progress reports with reporting tools enabling the education environment to be more accommodating and innovative. Adapting to this new model of education is a whole new experience for both educators/teachers and students.

The problems of access, equity, and equality can be addressed to a great extent with the use of technology and tools. While building physical infrastructure is not scalable, building technology to deliver quality education is entirely possible. We only must overcome our mental barriers, which the pandemic has softened for us to break it easily. The online schools and blended learning models are here to stay.

What are the Benefits?

Working with online schools provides excellent benefits to the teachers :

1. Improved Efficiency:

Working from home ensure greater efficiency as the commute time is reduced by over 90 minutes a day on average. This translates into a saving of 315 hours over a schools’ academic year of 210 days. This time can help in restoring the work-life balance that many teachers are deprived of. Further, there are fewer staff meetings and no committees that extend the role of teacher into administration.

2. Healthy Life:

One of the long-term impacts of teaching in a physical school is the stress on voice and knees. Most schools do not offer microphones to teach, and a good teacher would never sit while teaching. With an average of 3 hours of active teaching per day, it can take a toll on one’s health over the long term. With online schooling, the teachers are seated comfortably in front of their laptops and speak into digital microphones to ensure that their energy is best used in delivering quality education.

3. Increased Reach and Impact:

Online teaching allows educators to expand their horizons and reach a greater number of students. For teachers who are looking at making a greater impact online schools can help them reach students living in areas with limited access to good quality education. Through tools offered by online schools, they get the opportunity to shape the future of many youngsters who would have otherwise not had this chance.

4. Better Remuneration:

Considering the need to be transparent with the quality of teaching-learning, Online Schools are bound to pay much higher salaries to attract the best of the talent from the School Education Space.

5. Higher Satisfaction:

Online schools offer comprehensive digital tools for better classroom management and teaching. The ease with which the teachers present a video, audio clip, or presentation is unmatched in comparison to the experience of a physical school, even with smart boards.

6. Better Engagement:

It may sound counter-intuitive, but the students are far more focused and attentive in an online school. With web cameras on and eyes darting at the teacher in the e-class, the students are less distracted by the presence of other students. The company of parents at home also ensures that the students stay tuned and motivated.

7. Healthier Relationship:

Online schools offer an efficient flow of information and communication that ensures transparency in expectations and understanding with the management, academic leadership, and colleagues. The camaraderie is that of mutual trust and friendship rather than a supervisor and overbearing Principal.

By the extension of the above, an online teacher’s life is less stressful and more meaningful. It opens possibilities of a healthier teacher, well-balanced life which in turn leads to happy students and a satisfied school.

I hope that Online Schools revive the Curriculum Vitae of many ex-teachers and thereby improve the access, equity, and quality of education to students by overcoming the shortage of teachers in our country.

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Online education is helpful for teachers as it provides them with access to a wider range of resources, tools and teaching methods that can be beneficial in enhancing their teaching skills and knowledge.

Online school is helpful in the professional development of a teacher as it offers them opportunities for training, workshops and certifications in their field of teaching. This can help enhance their skills and credentials, which in turn can help them advance in their career.

Advantages of online school for teachers include flexibility in terms of scheduling, access to a broader range of students, and the ability to integrate technology into classroom instruction. Disadvantages include issues with lack of face-to-face interaction and difficulty in establishing a connection with students. It can also be challenging for teachers to manage student engagement and monitor student progress in online settings.

Whether online school is a good option for teachers depends on various factors such as their teaching style, technological proficiency, personal preferences, and the needs of their students. Online school can be a good option for teachers who are comfortable with technology, able to effectively manage and engage students in an online setting, and who value flexibility in their teaching schedules.

Online school can be better than traditional school for teachers as it offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling and enables teachers to reach a wider range of students from diverse backgrounds. Online school also allows teachers to use a variety of technological tools and resources that can enhance their teaching efficacy.

Some teachers enjoy teaching online, while others prefer the face-to-face interaction that is possible in a traditional classroom setting. The preference for online or in-person teaching can depend on personal preferences, teaching style, and student needs.

Some problems that teachers face during online classes include technical issues with internet connectivity, difficulty in getting students engaged and participating, and struggle to establish a rapport with students without face-to-face interaction. It can also be challenging to foster social interaction and a sense of community in online settings.

21k school Team

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