How to Concentrate on Studies

Written ByShradha Raj
Updated on20 Dec, 2024
Min Reading7 min read

In a world where distraction comes every second concentrating on something that can feel like a field battle especially in the case of students in today’s world concentrating on studies is not something that can be attained very easily. 

Students are constantly bombarded with digital distraction, social commitments and personal responsibility which makes it very difficult for them to strike a balance between their academic and personal life making it difficult for them to focus on learning. 

However the ability to concentrate is not a talent , rather it is a skill that is developed over time and can be improved when implemented with the right strategies. 

Here in this article we will explore practical tips to schedule a day and implement techniques to help students improve their focus and avoid distractions in their everyday life.

1. Create a Distraction-Free Environment

It is very important for students to sit in a conducive study environment for the learning journey to maintain focus and create a surrounding that contributes to their ability to concentrate. 

Certain things that students can keep in mind while choosing an environment for the study includes : 

Choosing the right spot is suggested for students to pick a quite well lit location where they can study without any interruption.

It is ideal for them to use a desk or table to avoid studying in bed as it can lead to drowsiness distracting them from learning and making them feel lazy. 

For a conducive environment it is important for students to organise their learning space by creating a clutter free desk as it can reduce distraction in their mind.

Keeping only essentials around like books, notebook, stationery and water bottle on your study table helps you in maintaining focus and leads to a productive study session

Eliminate noise, it is important for students to avoid any external noise that comes near their learning spot. They can also consider noise cancelling headphones or white noise apps to create an atmosphere ideal for studying.

To maintain a learning schedule students can inform others about their planning and let their family or roommates know that they are studying to minimise introduction by clearly putting a do not disturb sign or putting their phone on silent for the time being.

Here’s a blog on How to Make A Child Study Independently at Home.

2. Set Study Goals

It is important for students to also set clear goals for their learning journey to stay on track and maintain the motivation while studying certain things that they can do for this includes: 

  • Breaking down the syllabus and goals into smaller and manageable pieces. 
  • Be realistic and set achievable goals for themselves. 
  • List down their plans and keep checking it off. 
  • Regularly evaluate and track your progress. 

It is very important for students to understand that learning is a journey that cannot be achieved in one day therefore it is very crucial to divide the study material into smaller manageable tasks where setting a specific goal makes it easier for them to achieve it.

With better time management students can actually align that time and energy reducing the burnout and frustration that can be caused with unrealistic educational expectations

As students list their goals and evaluate their progress it gives them a sense of responsibility and accomplishment to keep them motivated this also helps them in adjusting their plans as per the requirement.

3. Follow a Study Schedule

Consistency is the key to success when it comes to maintaining concentration and creating an environment where students can study. 

And to have a proper study schedule it is very important to establish a routine which helps them stay ahead of their plan with dedicated time slots for specific tasks for each day including breaks, meals, leisure, and helps them maintain a balanced and sustainable schedule. 

It is suggested for students to study at peak hours identifying the time where you are most alert and productive. It can vary for each student for some it can be early morning or afternoon or even late at night.

This helps them schedule the task in a way that the most challenging task comes during these times balancing the fallbacks and maintaining the flow of learning. 

Students can allocate more time to subjects and topics that day find difficult and priority is them.  Assigns separate time to the subjects and dedicates less time with the ones they’re comfortable with. 

For everyone life is very unpredictable. 

Thus students should always be prepared to make adjustments in the schedule. Being flexible with the schedule helps them in following the structure routine  but also makes changes as and when needed.

This reduces procrastination and helps the mind to get accustomed to focusing at set time everyday.

For homeschooling students here is a blog that will help them create a conducive environment for a seamless learning experience and journey : Tips for Creating a Homeschooling Schedule

4. Practice the Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro technique is a famous time management method that helps students in maintaining focus and preventing burnouts and their life when maintaining the schedule. 

As per the technique it is suggested that by working in short and focused intervals students can maintain their high level of concentration and productivity for a longer time

So, How does It Works:

  1. Choose a task you want to work on.
  2. Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus solely on the task.
  3. When the timer rings, take a 5-minute break.
  4. Repeat the process 4 times, then take a longer 15-30 minute break.

Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique:

  • Pomodoro Technique helps students in Keeping their mind fresh and focused.
  • Helps students overcome procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller chunks.
  • Creates a sense of urgency, encouraging them to stay on task.

5. Take Regular Breaks

For students it might seem counterintuitive to take breaks but it is very essential to maintain focus and prevent mental fatigue for the long run. 

The brain can only focus on certain things for a limited amount of time before it needs rest. Providing shorter brakes to mind can help in recharging it and improve long term memory retention power contributing to all cognitive development and mental activity

When taking a break it is important to utilise it to relax and refresh. 

Some of the major activities that can be done during breaks are stretching, taking short walks, doing the breathing exercises or grabbing a healthy snack. 

Scrolling through mobile phones and social media can break the focus and decrease the attention span for students making their breaks more brain teasing and students will lose time as they get involved into this without gaining any focus for the next session

It is also important for students to plan their breaks based on their study session. For example if they have studied for 50 minutes it is suggested for them to take a 10 minute break to recharge themselves.

6. Stay Physically Active and Eat Healthy

Your physical health directly impacts an ability to concentrate and to perform well academically, it is very crucial for students to be physically active and eat healthy food

Students can exercise regularly as physical activity increases the blood flow to their brain which helps in enhancing memory power and focus

A dedicated 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise such as walking, jogging or yoga can make a significant difference in the students life by making them feel more positive about themselves and their learning journey

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle students should also consume some brain boosting foods as a healthy diet fuels your mind and body some of the foods that students can include in the meals are:

  • Nuts and seeds (rich in omega-3)
  • Fruits like blueberries and bananas
  • Leafy greens and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Eggs and fish

It is suggested for students to stay hydrated as dehydration can lead to fatigue and reduce concentration. Students can aim to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. 

In order to preserve their body and improve mental clarity students can avoid junk food as sugary and processed food also causes energy crashing reducing the focus and productivity in them.

7. Minimize Digital Distractions

For students it is very important to minimise the digital distraction as in today’s world it is very challenging to stay away from smartphone social media because of those endless notifications and every day advancement that is happening in technology. 

Lar sudden things that a student can do to maintain an uninterrupted study session and minimise digital distraction like: 

Turn off the phone notification or turn it off silent or put it on do not disturb mode while studying. 

Limit the social media usage and set specific time to check your social media. 

Use focus enhancing apps like Freedom and Stayfocusd to limit their screen time and monitor their every day activity. 

They can also keep all the devices away if not necessary to avoid all the temptations.


Concentrating on studies is like a skill said to contribute to the lifelong learning journey and requires a lot of effort, practice and consistency in themselves. 

By creating a destruction free environment and setting clear goals for their studies schedule students can significantly improve their focus and productivity in life.

There are certain techniques that also they can use like the Pomodoro technique

It is suggested for students to maintain their physical and mental health along with other activities that they take part in.

Students are suggested to stay away from digital distractions which is rewarding and makes an individual feel the achievement and celebrate them, it is an essential skill for success. 

It’s not possible for someone to have a life without struggle, even Students struggle to focus on their studies at times. 

By implementing strategies at the right time, students can actually overcome distractions and pave a pathway to academic excellence and success.



If you want to study for long hours without getting tired : 

  • Take regular breaks using techniques like the Pomodoro method
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat energy-boosting snacks
  • Get adequate sleep.

Best Foods to improve concentration are called superfoods like nuts, seeds, blueberries, leafy greens, eggs, and fish. These foods are excellent for boosting brain function and concentration.

It is suggested for students to overcome procrastination while studying by breaking their task into smaller parts and setting specific goals for themselves to complete in a given daily life or times not and also they can eliminate distraction by using stones which can help them in staying accountable.

Listening to music improves focus while studying whereas it is suggested for students to listen to ambience sound and instrumental music rather than lyrics or loud music as they can be distracting.


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Shradha is a content writer at 21k school, with over 3.5 years of experience in social media marketing, content writing and SEO. At 21K School, she’s involved in research, editing, and writing for blogs for school. Shradha has completed her graduation from symbiosis centre for media and communication.

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