Parenting tips to Preventing Sibling Fights

  • admin
  • 2022-12-29
  • 3 min read

Sibling fights are a common and regular part of family life and can be a source of frustration for parents.

What Does Sibling Rivalry Mean?

Sibling rivalry can be defined as a hostile or cut-throat rivalry between siblings, where disagreements and sometimes rivalry based on jealousy and resentment come into play. This can be observed in most families where the children compete for both the parents’ attention, their resources, or credit. It means that Contest can also be expressed in some different ways, like complaints, fights, a list of comparisons, and attempts to surpass each other. It may be attributed issues such as, age disparities, personality conflicts, preferences of one parent, or rivalry for resources. As much as we may want to think that we don’t see sibling rivalry as a serious issue, there are times that these negative behaviors would get out of hand and would need some sort of mediations from the parents.

Tips to Prevent Sibling Fights

Here are a few tips for preventing sibling fights and promoting a positive and harmonious family dynamic:

1. Set Clear Rules and Expectations:

It can be helpful to establish clear rules and expectations for behaviour and to enforce them when conflicts arise consistently. This can help siblings understand what is and are not acceptable behaviour.

2. Encourage Communication:

Encourage your children to communicate with each other and express their feelings and needs. You can also model practical communication skills and help facilitate discussions between siblings.

3. Encourage Problem-Solving:

Help your children learn to identify and address conflicts independently. Encourage them to devise their solutions and work together to resolve disputes peacefully.

4. Avoid Taking Sides:

It can be tempting to favour one child over another but avoid taking sides or remaining neutral when conflicts arise. This can help your children learn to resolve disputes independently and respect each other’s feelings and opinions.

5. Encourage Forgiveness:

Help your children learn to forgive each other and move on from conflicts. Encourage them to let go of grudges and focus on building positive relationships with each other.

6. Avoid negative comparisons

Appreciate each child’s unique strengths and qualities. Do not compare as it will lead to rivalry and resentment between the siblings. 

7. Get at the root of the conflict

Try to get hold of the underlying causes of conflicts. By solving their root issues, we can prevent future disputes and promote more harmonious relationships.

8. Stop the fight before the crying starts

Intervene into conflicts early and keep them from getting worse. Tell your kids how to see when tension is building up and resolve it peacefully before they burst with emotions.

9. Create a cooperative environment

Create opportunities at home that fosters a sense of teamwork and cooperation. Encourage activities that require your children to work together and support each other.

10. Celebrate individuality

Recognize and celebrate each child’s individuality. Allow them to explore their interests and passions, and provide opportunities for them to shine in their own way.

11. Show children how to get along

Best approach to solving a conflict is to set an example. Children are quite impressionable and they learn a lot looking at their parents. Make sure you handle your conflicts calmly and reasonably. 

12. Conflict resolution

If the siblings get into an argument, sit them down and calmly discuss to identify the problem, brainstorm solutions, evaluate options, and agree on a fair resolution. 

13. Be open about differences between siblings

As parents, it’s important to make it clear to be kind to one’s brothers/sisters and respect the differences each has by always being ready to listen and also accept the difference they have.

14. Promote empathy

Help the children learn and appreciate the use of empathy or the ability to put oneself in the other sibling’s position when making decisions and solving conflicts.

15. Use positive reinforcement

Encourage positive sibling interactions by praising and rewarding desirable behavior, creating a supportive and encouraging family environment.


By following these tips and being a positive role model, preventing sibling fights will be as easy as ABCs! You can help your children learn to manage conflicts effectively and to have a positive and harmonious relationship with each 

As an adult, you can choose many responses when confronted with a difficult situation. Read our blog on how to arrive at a smart solution and learn to manage frustration using top strategies: Peaceful Parenting and How to Stop Yelling .


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