5 Methods To Help Get Your Kids Engaged In Remote Learning

  • admin
  • 2023-05-19
  • 4 min read

Parents have had a hard time since the pandemic: dealing with remote learning plus a child who misses seeing their friends. A child gets stressed staying at home, and this takes a toll on their concentration. Very few students now have the privilege to go to school, while the rest deal with a computer screen. It can be very frustrating for parents to deal with an unhappy environment. We also have some simple things for teachers that can help their students engage without immense stress and distraction.

1.Set up a learning space for kids

 It is vital to have a learning space for children. It should have a good amount of sunlight and fresh air. The study area should be like “going to school” for them, including a desk, chair, books, pens and pencils, computer or tab, and all other material they need for studying. The area should be noise-free so that they can concentrate completely on what the teacher is trying to explain. You can put chart papers with drawings and crafts for different subjects, as we have in school. Make sure your child is dressed well before sitting for remote learning and does not stay in their pajamas.

2.Give them plenty of positive reinforcement

A child gets a lot of appreciation in school in the form of stars, etc., but when it comes to home, they often feel left out. As parents, we must make them feel appreciated. A child gets happy in small things, like me; cold coffee made by my mom during the summer breaks would make my day. You can make them something they like or give them a toy each time they study with full attention. This small appreciation will help them study well. 

3.Make it fun

Sometimes, we run out of creative ideas. We use various things to make it fun for our kids. There are many options to learn online, like coding , dancing, and even playing an instrument. You can get them a keyboard or a guitar. This will help them increase their focus on their studies. Many museums have opened up for virtual tours; you can make your kids watch such interesting places sitting at home. You can play small games . such as hiding things in your house and giving them information, like a remote or showpiece, while explaining who built it. These small things will encourage your kids to learn and become smarter. If you see your kid is not interested in a particular subject, you can look up online games in that subject to increase your child’s interest.

4.Make sure they get enough rest  

I usually suffered from this, and still do, when I am at home, which is a lack of routine. When we are at home, things usually move slower. We typically lazily do something, like bathing late, having a late lunch, or sometimes, even brunch. Making a proper routine and following them will help them stay focused. We often miss an essential thing in our routine, which is rest time. Your child needs to have naps in the afternoon and night. Their eyes will start straining and cause their eye power to increase. Most kids are now wearing spectacles due to a lack of rest. Rest means sleeping or at least relaxing their eyes after a hectic day. 

5.Communicate with your kids

Your child may be misses being around friends and discussing things with them. Be your child friend. Remote learning may make them feel lonely and depressed. Reports show that the pandemic has increased depression and stress in younger children. As a parent, we must make our kids feel open about their problems. We can communicate with the teacher regularly to understand the kids progress if they face problems . Most importantly, we must talk to the child and understand their issues. Communication is the only key to guiding your child to deal with these issues. 

Final Words

Remote learning can be challenging for both the parents and the child . You have to make sure you stay patient and calm while handling your child. I know it can be difficult but not impossible to make your child stay happy and engaged. Using the tips we have shared, you can make it exciting and interesting for your child. Do take them out to the terrace or park whenever possible, so they do not miss out on being a child.

Also read, reason student should start engaging in learning .

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