5 Screen Time Rule For Kids: A Guide For Healthy Habits

  • admin
  • 2022-10-07
  • 4 min read
teaching with 3 kids

Screen time refers to activities performed before a screen, such as watching television, working on a computer, or playing video games. Sedentary activity is defined as an activity that is conducted while sitting in one place and being physically inactive. Screen time consumes very little energy.

Many parents use screens to keep their young children engaged or distracted while they attend to other demands in today’s digital and media-driven society. It is effective. Screens attract children’s attention in ways that practically nothing else does, giving parents a break. But what effect do screens have on young minds, and how much screen time should they have?

Carlota Nelson, the filmmaker of the documentary Brain Matters, investigates why too much screen time might harm newborns and the necessity of providing youngsters with non-screen activities. 71% of the parents polled expressed concern about their children spending too much time on devices.

You cannot, ever, completely safeguard your children from screen exposure. However, you may always impose certain laws and restrictions to improve their situation.

5 Screen Time Rule For Kids

1. Social Distancing from Screens:

In 2015, Cambridge University researchers monitored the activities of more than 800 14-year-olds and analyzed their GCSE performance at age 16. The average drop in GCSE scores for those who spend an extra hour each day on screens (TV, computer, gaming console, phone) is two grades.

Pediatric ophthalmologists advocate a safe distance of two feet between digital gadgets and eye level. Any closer than two feet will need them to concentrate more forcefully to maintain a sharp image, which may exacerbate myopia and lead to strain. Therefore, make sure they keep the necessary two-foot safety distance.

Kids spend a lot of time on mobile devices, especially phones, reading at a distance of 8 to 10 inches. Instead of being at ease looking straight ahead at such a distance, their eyes shift to focus on the screen.

2. Parents should conduct extensive studies on videos and computer groups:

Take a look at the ratings, which range from EC (denoting “early childhood” for those three and older) to AO (meaning “adults only”). Probably only games graded EC or E should be available to younger students in elementary school (meaning “everyone” for 6 and older). E10+, which stands for “everyone 10 and over,” may be suitable for older children. Before allowing your youngster to play by themselves, preview and even play the games with them .

3. Encourage your child to play outside:

It is always advantageous for the child to spend time in gardens and open spaces. The intense light triggers dopamine production in the eye, which causes the eyeball to enlarge. Spending time outside results in a 50% lower risk of myopia in children.

You introduce your child to engaging outdoor activities and build a play area in the backyard or terrace so they may participate physically.

4. Make their Media-free time interesting:

Choosing enjoyable activities over screen time is simple. Additionally, it doesn’t take much time or money to read or play with them. The area of your preschooler’s brain responsible for processing language is stimulated when you read to them. Additionally, it aids in broadening their vocabulary by introducing them to terms they would not typically hear in conversation. It’s also a terrific way to unwind after a long day in our fast-paced world by spending some time snuggling with your child. You can also think about listening to intriguing podcasts or audiobooks.

5. Set a good example at home:

When not in use, turn off TVs and other screens. Leave screens off while not in use. When not in use and during family gatherings like meals, turn off or mute your phone.

Set a rule prohibiting using digital gadgets and take advantage of the opportunity to spend time together as a family. They can play freely at this time as well. Free play is essential for healthy brain development in addition to providing their eyes with a wonderful vacation from screens. They are able to utilize their imagination to build their physical, dexterous, cognitive, and cognitive talents. They will only engage with their environment through play while they are young.

Bottom Line

In no way can you protect your child entirely from unwanted exposure to the screen. Today, our life is exposed to different content on social media, be it educational or entertainment, that it’s hard for anyone to avoid. But with proper regulation and understanding, you can reduce screen time so that, in the long run, this unregulated screen time does not affect your child physically or mentally.


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To limit a 5 year old’s screen time, parents can set specific rules and boundaries around device use. This may include setting limits on the amount of time spent on screens each day, scheduling designated screen-free times (such as during meals or before bedtime), and choosing age-appropriate content.

Good screen time rules for kids include limiting overall daily screen time, avoiding screens before bedtime, promoting physical activity and outdoor play, encouraging social interaction with peers and family members, and monitoring the content being accessed.

There is no specific age at which screen time should be stopped altogether. However, it is recommended that children under two years old have no exposure to screens while older children should have limited exposure based on their individual needs and circumstances.

To set screen time limits for kids, parents can establish clear guidelines around when devices can be used and how much time can be spent on them. This may involve using parental controls on devices or setting up a timer system to help enforce these limits.

To address a child’s screen time addiction, parents can gradually reduce the amount of time spent on devices each day while also providing alternative activities such as reading books or engaging in outdoor play. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor may also be beneficial in addressing underlying issues related to addiction.

Research suggests that excessive screen time can negatively impact a child’s brain development by affecting cognitive function, attention span, and mental health. It may also lead to obesity due to decreased physical activity.

Signs of screen addiction in children include difficulty disengaging from screens even when prompted by adults, irritability or moodiness when device use is restricted, neglecting other responsibilities or interests in favor of device use,and showing withdrawal symptoms when not using devices.

Harmful effects of excessive screen time include increased risk of obesity due to decreased physical activity levels,fatigue,sleep disturbances,reduced ability to concentrate & retain information,poor academic performance,& potential negative impacts on mental health such as depression & anxiety.

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