Is Online Homeschooling in India Effective?

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  • 2022-08-02
  • 4 min read
A girl doing online homeschooling

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic effects, the whole world is experiencing significant changes. We are all confined to our houses. Our lives have changed in this pandemic crisis; whether for the better or, the worse, we cannot say. Even so, everyone is working hard to create and live in a new normal. The offices have returned, the entertainment has returned, and so have the schools. Students are now continuing with their online homeschooling from the previous year. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of ‘homeschooling,’ then read on to know about it.

What Does Homeschooling Precisely Mean?

Homeschooling is a new practice of teaching children at home rather than in school. It indicates that parents are fully responsible for schooling, educating and preparing their children for adulthood. Parents choose children’s schedule and curriculum in homeschooling and they can be guided according to their weaknesses and strengths.

The learning from home trend is a rising initiative in which parents teach their children at home across the country and around the world. Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, but the coronavirus pandemic is currently the most compelling incentive to start online homeschooling in India and around the world.

Effectiveness of the Homeschooling Trend

1. Every young student is distinct in some way. Homeschooling allows the curriculum to be tailored to the student’s abilities and interests.

2. There will be less of a need for mindless learning. Children will understand the material.

3. Promoting homeschooling will also put pressure on traditional schools to change their educational systems.

4. Students may be weak in one topic but strong in another. As a result, parents can select appropriate material for their children.

5. Because of the internet revolution, there are now a plethora of ways to obtain items. There are various channels on YouTube that can assist children with self-teaching.

Challenges Associated with Online Homeschooling

Besides new opportunities, homeschooling in India also brought challenges such as interruption in broadband connectivity for students residing in rural areas. Also, there are psychology-related challenges. Because there are fewer constraints for homeschooled students than for the normal ones, they are more prone to miss classes.

How does the Indian Government Support the Homeschooling Trend?

The Indian government has maintained a mixed stance on homeschooling, having taken no action against parents who do not want their children to attend school. Also, it has been indicated in the past that parents who are dissatisfied with the schooling system can choose to homeschool as a teaching option.

According to the RTI Act of 2009, every child should attend school, but if parents refuse for any reason, the government will not intervene. The sole purpose of all of this is to educate children, whether at home or school. And, as far as meeting the educational needs of children is concerned, homeschooling is not an issue.

Inspirational Homeschooling Story 

Amid the growing buzz around the homeschooling trend, many inspirational stories come from every corner of the world. An example is mentioned below that comes from Mumbai.

Meet the Mumbai-based Pardiwala family, which is homeschooling their two sons, aged 15 and 21. They discuss everything from difficulties, challenges, structure, daily routines, milestones and learnings related to homeschooling.

Shahen is a successful author, positive psychology coach, screenwriter and public speaker at the age of 21. His book, “Burnout No More,” was recently purchased by a prestigious Mumbai school. And, Shahen has been called to speak at numerous schools about the book’s topic of exam-induced stress.

For someone so young, one may assume he established the objective of producing a book from the beginning. However, becoming a writer was never one of his boyhood ambitions. Like every other kid, his job objectives shifted as he progressed through tennis, dance, journalism, advertising and coding.

Meanwhile, Shahaan, his younger brother, attended school till the second grade. He, too, has been homeschooled for the past eight years. He aspires to be an expert in animal conservation.

Shahen and Shahaan’s parents choose homeschooling due to neither economic constraints nor learning problems. Both of the brothers were top students in their classes.

What appealed to us the most was the independence, discipline and stress-free living. We never wanted our sons to be recognised by just their academic performance, rankings or studies, the matriarch, Sonnal Pardiwala tells The Better India. She added that learning, setbacks, inventiveness and life skills should be vital ingredients for every child while growing up.

Endline – Future of Online Homeschooling

With more students interested in learning from home and technologies growing fast, we see the future of homeschooling bright in India. Even though homeschooling is an excellent and practical option, parents should weigh the benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling before making any life decision for their children because their success and future depend on it.

Also Read, The Benefits of Homeschooling your Child.

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Homeschooling in India is currently not a recognized form of education by the government. However, the Right to Education Act (RTE) allows for alternative forms of education, including homeschooling, to be recognized if certain criteria are met.

The CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) does not officially recognize homeschooling as a valid form of education. However, the board has stated that homeschooled students can take the Class X and XII board exams as private candidates.

Homeschooling can be a good idea in India for families who want a more personalized and flexible education for their children. However, it requires a significant commitment from parents to provide a high-quality education and may not be a suitable option for all families.

Colleges generally do not discriminate against students who have completed online schooling. However, they may take into account the quality and reputation of the online program when evaluating an applicant’s academic credentials.

Research suggests that homeschooled students can be more successful in academic and personal achievement than traditionally schooled students. However, the success of homeschooled students depends on various factors, including the quality of education provided, parental involvement, and the student’s motivation and effort.

The success rate of online schooling varies depending on the program and the student’s individual circumstances. Research has shown that online learning can be effective, but it requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation from students.

Online homeschooling typically involves using a digital curriculum or online learning platform to provide instruction and assignments. Parents or guardians supervise the student’s learning and provide support as needed.

Some reasons families may choose homeschooling in India include a desire for a more personalized education, concerns about the quality or safety of traditional schools, religious or cultural reasons, and the flexibility to pursue extracurricular activities or travel.

21K School offers the most popular homeschool program. 21K School combines the best of traditional homeschooling with innovative methods, resources, and strategies to provide a fully-customizable and comprehensive learning experience.

Online education can be a preferred choice for homeschooling because it offers flexibility, a wide range of resources and curricula, and the ability to learn from anywhere with an internet connection. It can also provide opportunities for students to learn at their own pace and pursue their individual interests.

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