Create A Birthday Project In Scratch: Step By Step Guide

Written By21k school Team
Updated on22 Apr, 2023
Min Reading6 min read

One of the many inevitable features of this universe is evolution. The human race has been undergoing continuous development from the beginning of time. But not everyone participates in this growth, and if you are not a quick learner, you will probably fall behind.

Learning how to code is one of the finest ways to stay ahead of the curve in the modern world, and tools like Scratch have made it very simple for even young children to pick it up.

Create a Birthday Project in Scratch – Step by Step Guide

Follow the steps below to create a birthday project in Scratch

Step 1: Launch MIT Scratch

Step 2: Sign in if you already have a Scratch account. Create an account if you don’t already have one by clicking Join Scratch in the top right corner.

Step 3: Click Create in the upper left corner to start developing a project.

Step 4: Since we’re constructing a birthday project, erase the “cat” sprite from the stage. Click the sprite at the bottom and then select Trash to remove the spite.

Choosing a suitable backdrop for this birthday project is the next step.

Step 5: In the lower right corner, click the Background icon.

Step 6: Find the party backdrop, then click it.

Step 7: Add Cake Sprite to complete the stage. Look for cake sprite by selecting Choose Sprite. You can choose the Cake image

Step 8: Assemble some blocks to cause a Cake sprite to animate left to right. To add the “When Green Flag Clicked” block to the Script Area, click the yellow Event button.

Step 9: The “Forever” block should be added to the Script Area after the “When Green Flag Is Clicked” block by selecting the orange Control button. Making the sprite repeat the action is what the “Forever” block does.

Step 10: Click the “Motion” button, which is colored blue. 

Step 11: Add theIf on edge, bounce” block to the script area. Put this sprite in the block marked “Forever.”

When the sprite comes into contact with an edge, the “If on edge, bounce” block makes the sprite bounce.

Step 12: After that, you will need to add “Set rotation style left-right” to the script area to modify the sprite’s rotation style.

Step 13: Click Green Flag to see the results. The border of the blocks turns yellow when you click “Green Flag.”

Step 14: Create some HAPPY BIRTHDAY sprites in step 14. After clicking Choose Sprites, select Letter categories.

Step 15: A Button Sprite should be made. Therefore, pressing the button will cause it to switch to the subsequent background and sprites.

Step 16: Navigate to Costumes to alter the Button’s appearance. Click the sprite and fill in as indicated in Picture 14 to change the color. Click on the sprite, then the square adjacent to the outline, to change the border color. Click the “T” icons to add text.

Step 17: Click on the backdrop and then select Costumes to add a new backdrop.

Step 18: Click on Code after switching the background to the first one. Include a Switch Backdrop to () block and a When Green Flag Is Clicked block. Then, on Costumes, locate the name of your first backdrop and click on it in the code.

Step 19: Choose the arrow. Select New message, enter a message name, then hit OK.

Step 20: To the Script Area of the background, drag and drop the “When I receive ()” and “Switch backdrop to ()” blocks. Because of this, when the button sends the broadcast, the backdrop hears it and changes to the other background.

Step 21: From the letter, button, and sprites, drag and drop the “When I get()” and “Hide” blocks to the Script Area.

Step 22: New sprites should be made for the remaining backdrops.

Step 23: Add the blocks.

Step 24: Click Allow to consent to record. After that, click the Record button. Finally, click Stop if you’ve already begun recording.

Step 25: Choose the sound’s best segment before pressing the Save button. Click Re-recording if you need to re-record something.

Step 26: A birthday party project has been finished. By selecting “Share” at the top, you can make your birthday party project available to everyone.


To view your completed project, click the green flag followed by the button sprites. You can also put instructions, notes, and credits on the project page.

With a birthday project created on Scratch, you can wow your family and friends with your ingenuity and excellent coding abilities.

Scratch custom-created curriculum makes learning programming simple for students in Grades 1 through 12. Learn Scratch at K-21 Schools.


Scratch is a beginner-friendly, block-based visual programming language and online platform created by MIT that allows users to create interactive stories, animations, and games. It’s an excellent tool for introducing coding concepts to learners of all ages.

Creating a Scratch birthday project involves several key steps. First, you start a new project on the Scratch platform. Then, you design characters and objects for your project, adding animations and backgrounds as needed. Next, you use Scratch’s code blocks to program interactions, movements, and actions for your characters. You can personalize the project with messages, sounds, and visual effects.

Beginners can easily get started with Scratch, even with no prior coding experience. Scratch’s drag-and-drop interface, colorful code blocks, and extensive community resources make it accessible for newcomers. The Scratch website provides tutorials and guides to help beginners learn the basics.

Key features and tools in Scratch for building a birthday project include the sprite editor for character design, the stage for setting the backdrop, the code blocks for programming behaviors, the sound editor for adding audio effects, and the broadcast feature for creating interactions between sprites.

Designing and animating characters in Scratch involves using the sprite editor to draw or import images for characters and using code blocks to animate their movements. By changing costumes and using motion blocks, you can make characters dance, jump, or perform various actions.

Scratch allows users to create interactive elements like buttons by using sensing blocks to detect mouse clicks or keyboard input. You can program these buttons to trigger specific actions or animations when interacted with.

Personalized messages and effects can be added using Scratch’s text blocks and graphic effects blocks. You can make characters speak, display messages, and create visual effects like transitions and filters.

Scratch enables users to program interactions and responses by using event blocks to respond to events like clicks or key presses. For example, you can make a character say “Happy Birthday” when a button is clicked.

Advanced features in Scratch include using variables for storing and manipulating data, creating custom blocks for reusability, and implementing complex algorithms and game mechanics. These advanced techniques can enhance the complexity and creativity of a Scratch birthday project.

To share and showcase a Scratch birthday project, you can click the “Share” button on the Scratch website to publish it. You’ll receive a unique project URL that you can share with friends and family, allowing them to view and interact with your creation.

21k school Team

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