Teaching Programming To Kids Aged 6 To 12

  • admin
  • 2023-09-22
  • 4 min read

Children develop at different rates, so there’s no one way to teach programming to kids aged 6 to 12. Some kids are ready at six, others not until age 10 or 11. And don’t forget that learning programming isn’t just about teaching your kids how to use code; it’s also about helping them understand how computers work and how to think logically—skills that are becoming increasingly important in the future of work. Here are some tips to help you start teaching programming to children aged 6 to 12 years old (and younger with the right approach).

1) Importance of coding

Teaching kids how to code can give them a valuable skill set that they can use throughout their lives. Such classes also help students learn how to do critical thinking and solve problems .

Also Read, Scratch As A Beginners Platform To Teach Kids How To Code

And, it can be a lot of fun!  Programming languages like Scratch make the process easy by using graphical blocks instead of lines of text.

2) The best way to start

If you’re looking to start teaching your kids programming, you should keep a few things in mind. First, it’s important to find a language that’s appropriate for their age group.

Second, you need to make sure the lessons are engaging and interactive. Third, you should focus on practical applications of the concepts being taught. Fourth, don’t be afraid to use graphics and visuals. Fifth, use concrete examples. Sixth, incorporate activities and exercises. And finally, make sure to provide plenty of feedback.

3) Get them started with these 5 basics

  1. Teach them the basics of computers and how they work. This will give them a foundation for understanding how programming works.
  2. Start with a visual programming language like Scratch. This will help them understand the concepts without getting bogged down in syntax.
  3. Give them lots of opportunities to experiment and play around. Encourage them to break things and see what happens.
  4. Help them understand how to debug their programs. This is an essential skill for any programmer.
  5. Challenge them with fun projects that are within their reach but still challenging. This will help them stay motivated and engaged in the learning process.

Also Read, How to Help Your Child Stay Motivated in Homeschooling ?

4) Get them going with Scratch

One way to get kids interested in programming is to give them practice exercises with online editors. This will help them see how coding can be used to create things they’re interested in.

5) Have them read books on their own

Make sure they have plenty of different books to choose from. Variety is key, as they may get bored quickly if they’re always reading the same genre or style. 

Encourage them to read aloud to you or with siblings or friends. This will help them practice their reading fluency and comprehension skills .

Let them choose their books, but be available to offer guidance if needed. You can help them find books that are at their level and interest them. Talk about the books they’re reading, ask questions, and discuss any new vocabulary words they come across.

6) Give them practice exercises with online editors

A great way to get kids interested in programming is to give them practice exercises with online editors. This will allow them to see how coding can be used to create things they’re interested in and get a feel for the basics of coding.

7) Encourage them by setting aside time every day

It’s important to set aside some time every day for your child to practice their programming skills. This will help them to stay motivated and engaged with the material. Plus, it will give you some time to bond with your child and see their progress firsthand.

8) Go out there and get inspired yourself!

As a parent, you can set the foundation for your child’s future success by start teaching them coding at a young age .

9) Invent your own game.

Teaching programming to kids can be a fun and rewarding experience.  The first step is to decide what the game should look like, what the player should do, and how many points they will get for completing each task. The next step is to create the code that will make the game work on paper before typing it into a computer.


Programming is a pretty hard task, even for adults. The concept of programming can be difficult to explain, and learning any programming language requires lots of hard work and time, not to mention tons of patience. However, if you have kids who are eager to learn how to code and learn more about computer science, there are certain aspects that you should take into consideration while teaching them the basics of programming.

Also Read, Why Kids Should Learn Code As A Second Language ?

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